Ways To Treat Meningitis

If you suspect you have contracted meningitis, it is imperative to seek medical treatment immediately. This extremely rare condition is the result of the inflammation of the meninges, the membranes surrounding both your brain and spinal cord. If not addressed quickly, the effects can be fatal or cause irreversible brain injury. Signs of meningitis can be quite severe and are quite similar to flu symptoms. Typically, a person would first experience a fever along with an intense headache and a stiff neck. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, extreme fatigue, sensitivity to light, and even seizures. There are various types of meningitis, but the main ones are fungal and bacterial. While most cases tend to go away with little to no treatment, you should still seek medical attention if circumstances worsen.

Draining Infected Sinuses Or Mastoids


A physician will usually treat meningitis by draining infected sinuses or mastoids (the bone located behind the ear). This treatment will be exercised if an individual has meningitis due to a bacterial infection. These cases are very rare and are often treated with antibiotics to kill the harmful bacteria once the sinuses have been drained. Physicians will usually drain the sinuses by performing endoscopic surgery, a procedure that allows them to clear out the sinuses, remove excess tissue, and widen the passageways to allow the sinuses to drain easier. If the patient doesn't respond well to this procedure, the physician may perform a balloon sinuplasty or open sinus surgery.

Bed Rest


If you have any form of meningitis, it is highly likely your energy has depleted, and you are left feeling extremely fatigued with the desire to do nothing but sleep. Fortunately, getting the best rest possible will work to favor your healing process. During this time, you will want to get as much rest as possible to allow your body a full recovery and give it time to fight off the infection.

Even if you feel the desire to move around, only do so sparingly as you will likely experience poor coordination, dizziness, body aches, and a generalized weakness throughout the body that may persist several months after you are clear of meningitis. You will also want to make sure you are resting in a dark room as you will usually have a heightened sensitivity to light that may trigger or cause a headache to progress rapidly.

Drinking Plenty Of Clear Fluids


Drinking a significant amount of water is essential to maintaining health and recovering from any disease, but it is even more vital when an individual suffering from meningitis. Replenishing your body by drinking plenty of clear fluids will often lessen the severity of symptoms. Also, if you have contracted an acute case of viral or bacterial meningitis, you are at an increased risk for dehydration. Dehydration can drastically lower blood pressure, which dramatically reduces the effectiveness of some treatments. Keep in mind dehydration is considered a medical emergency when associated with meningitis and the results may leave you feeling lethargic and is often characterized by abnormal breathing and a weak pulse.



If your symptoms are severe or appear to only be getting progressively worse, hospitalization may be your safest option. During your stay, you will be monitored to make sure your circumstances don't become life-threatening. If you have been diagnosed with bacterial meningitis, you may be prescribed antibiotics to kill the harmful bacteria during your stay. However, if you have a viral case, there isn't any medication that will better your circumstances by killing off the virus. If you have been hospitalized for cases that have resulted from cancer, influenza, herpes zoster, or any other serious underlying illnesses, physicians may recommend medication to treat those conditions directly.

Watch And Wait


If your symptoms appear to be minor, you may just need to watch and wait. Most cases of meningitis are viral, so they tend to be less severe and will usually go away on their own in a few weeks. During this time, take some time off from work or school and avoid leaving the house too much. Try not to make physical contact with others to prevent the illness from passing along. Be sure to practice go hygiene by frequently giving your hands a thorough wash, and eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible to help restore your weakened immune system.

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