How To Prevent And Treat Ascariasis

Perhaps one of the scariest conditions individuals can think of is having living worms crawling through their body, which is exactly what ascariasis is. Ascariasis comes from the type of ringworm that can infect the body. While it may be almost laughable to think parasites exist in the developing world, ascariasis is actually the most common type of parasite in the developing world. Typically, individuals contract ascariasis because they consumed the eggs of the ringworm through unsanitized food or water. The eggs then rest in the intestines until they eventually hatch and flow through the bloodstream to the lungs. There they settle for a time until they make their way up the throat. This causes patients to cough and swallow, sending the worms back into their intestines, where the process starts over again. Patients should keep these treatments in mind to help get rid of ascariasis and prevent it from occurring now.

Antiparasitic Medication


Individuals who believe they are suffering from ascariasis should see their doctor immediately. They will either use an X-Ray, CT scan, ultrasound, MRI scan, or endoscopy to determine if the patient is infected and the severity of the infection. Typically, patients will receive antiparasitic medication, which destroys the ringworms themselves or inhibits their growth. As such, they're primarily useful within smaller infestations. The amount of medication as well as the length of how long patients need to take them will be detailed by the doctor and will largely depend upon the state of the infection. Symptoms like frequent choking or coughing, odd or off stools, wheezing, or blood in mucus, indicate ascariasis may be present.

Keep reading for more on preventing and treating ascariasis now.

Surgical Intervention


If the infestation has grown past measures that can be treated with medication, then doctors may consider surgical intervention. This is largely due to the fact ascariasis can become deadly if the infestation increases dramatically. They can cause problems like an intestinal blockage, which occurs when a large amount of worms blocks the patient's intestines and can cause a great deal of pain and vomiting. This is considered a medical emergency and patients should immediately head for the emergency room if they begin to see symptoms. Duct blockages may also occur with a severe infestation. This can happen when the worms block ducts to the patient's liver or pancreas. Another aspect a severe infection might impact is the number of nutrients patients receive. When it comes to severe infestations, a doctor may believe surgery is the only means capable of removing the massive infestation and saving a patient's life.

Learn more about preventing and treating ascariasis now.

Wash Hands With Soap And Water


One of the best and easiest ways to prevent ascariasis is to for everyone to wash their hands with soap and water. While parasites are more common in undeveloped worlds, they exist in the developed world too. Thankfully, in the United States, many measures have been taken to prevent the development of parasites in unclean water. However, as long as unclean water exists, and it most certainly does, the presence of parasites also exists. Whether an individual is traveling in an area with untreated water, at a concert site, or out in the forest hiking, they should be sure to take the time to thoroughly wash their hands. Ascariasis ringworms exist in contaminated soil, and unless they've been watching that soil for years, individuals likely don't know what's been placed on it or what has washed over it. As such, individuals should be mindful to wash their hands before placing them anywhere near their mouth. Children especially should wash their hands with soap and water diligently.

Learn more about how to prevent ascariasis now.

Careful Preparing Raw Produce


Another method to prevent ascariasis is to be mindful when preparing raw produce and meat. In regards to produce, vegetables and fruits are often resting in fields full of fertilizer and raw sewage. Fertilizer helps plants grow and make the soil rich. However, the waste used to fertilize the fields is often not checked to see if it contains parasites or other dangerous bacteria. As a result, individuals end up buying contaminated food in the store and eating it. Sometimes, it can brush right onto their hands, and they may choose to eat something else. However, the worms are already on their skin and enter their mouth with the food.

The same can be said for meat. In the slaughterhouse, meat is often contaminated when animals spray waste on themselves as they're slaughtered. If they were infected, then their meat might be infected. While individuals can cook some of this off, the contaminated juice is still around.

Discover the next ascariasis prevention method now.

Filter And Boil Water


One final way to prevent developing ascariasis is to filter and boil water, as contaminated water is another big source of lurking parasites. While contamination is less frequent in the developed world than it is the undeveloped world, it still exists. Water treatment facilities can be old or not maintained well, and as a result, the water individuals are drinking may be contaminated and they don't even realize it. Or individuals may be out hiking or camping, and the need for water may cause them to collect water from a stream. While this in itself isn't a problem, individuals should take the extra step to boil water, as doing so can destroy the eggs and worms within the water and make it safe to drink. Be cautious with water.

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