Guide To Multiple Sclerosis Treatments

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a serious autoimmune disorder that affects the central nervous system. This includes the brain and spinal cord. It occurs when the immune system attacks the myelin sheath. This sheath is what surrounds nerve fibers and provides protection. Symptoms include muscle weakness, spasms, and pain. A trembling voice, vision problems, and an unsteady gait may also appear. However, the pattern that MS takes is unique to each patient.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for multiple sclerosis. However, there is some hope for patients. Every patient diagnosed with this condition needs to consult an MS specialist to determine the best treatment for their case. This often includes medication and therapy to reduce the severity of MS attacks and slow the disease’s progression. The goal of multiple sclerosis treatment is to help patients adapt to their symptoms while experts search for an MS cure.


Medications are a big part of the treatment for multiple sclerosis. There are many options for patients out there, which is precisely why consulting an MS specialist is key. Individuals with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis are often given injections once a week or even once every second day. Some injections are used once every 3 months to improve the cognitive issues that MS can cause. The medication's frequency and dose depend on the disease’s severity. The type of multiple sclerosis that a patient has also matters. Oral medications can be used to reduce the length of MS attacks, deactivate symptoms, and keep patients in remission.

Uncover the information on what alternative medicine may help treat MS next.



Studies show that acupuncture may reduce muscle pain, numbness, tingling, and maybe even muscle spasticity. However, patients should talk to their doctor before they engage in regular acupuncture sessions. This is because they need to see an acupuncturist with experience in dealing with multiple sclerosis. This ensures that the acupuncturist knows what they are doing and can better target the patient’s issues. Additionally, some medications can interfere with acupuncture sessions. Thus, patients need to be prepared. Their doctor needs to get them in the position they need to be in to avoid severe side effects.

Get the full details on what supplement multiple sclerosis patients may need to take next.


Vitamin D And Calcium Supplements

Many patients with multiple sclerosis often find they have lower bone density than healthy individuals. They may even suffer from osteoporosis. This, unfortunately, means that their bones are frail and quite prone to experiencing fractures. Because their bones can be compromised, multiple sclerosis patients need to take vitamin D and calcium supplements. Calcium is vital for improving bone strength. It can be found in an individual’s diet particularly in dairy products.

However, it can be hard for the body to absorb enough calcium. This is why vitamin D, especially vitamin D supplements, is so important. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, thus boosting the strength of the bones. This is why many calcium supplements also include vitamin D. Some MS studies have also shown that vitamin D supplements help slow the progression of multiple sclerosis over 5 years.

Discover what women with multiple sclerosis need to factor into their treatment next.


Cranberry Supplements

Women are the most affected by multiple sclerosis. Research has also shown that they are at a higher risk of experiencing urinary tract infections when they suffer from MS as well. Thus, women with MS should consider taking a cranberry supplement regularly. Unfortunately, cranberry supplements will not treat a current urinary tract infection.

However, some evidence indicates that taking these supplements regularly can help prevent a UTI from developing in the first place. Women need a supplement with cranberry powder as well as a probiotic for their urinary tract. This ensures it will balance the bacteria in the area appropriately.

Temperature matters for MS patients. Uncover the details on what treatment takes this into account next.


Cool Down

Extensive research has shown that multiple sclerosis flare-ups are often even more severe when patients are too hot. Thus, many doctors with MS patients will stress that they need to keep their body temperature down as much as possible. There are countless options to do this. It includes taking cool showers instead of hot ones, keeping the air conditioning up in the summer, using fans, and wearing breathable clothing. Cold beverages are also important.

However, it can be hard to regulate these ways of staying cool. This is why some medical professionals and organizations will provide their multiple sclerosis patients with cooling vests to help reduce their symptom severity. Cooling vests and other medical devices to keep a patient’s body temperature down are more reliable than natural options. However, they can be more expensive and time-consuming to deal with.


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