Guide To Preventing And Treating Gilbert Syndrome

Gilbert’s syndrome is a liver condition that is harmless and common. It happens when the liver does not process bilirubin properly. Bilirubin occurs when red blood cells are broken down. The syndrome is congenital, meaning the patient is born with it. Usually, the condition is found accidentally when a doctor is performing various blood tests. It is characterized by having a yellowish tinge to the skin from time to time. This is because the bilirubin levels may rise, causing some jaundice. The condition can be enhanced by dehydration, illness, lack of sleep, and fasting. The patient needs to make sure they keep an eye on their symptoms and if jaundice occurs, they consult with a doctor to make sure there is no other underlying cause for it. Although Gilbert’s syndrome does not need to be treated, there are ways to manage it and help reduce instances of jaundice.

Follow A Healthy Diet

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Different foods can create an increase in bilirubin. As a result, it is essential that an individual with this condition eats properly, especially lots of vegetables and fruits. Additionally, doctors recommend that individuals with this condition eat regular meals and try not to eat too much too fast. The patient’s diet should consist of foods that do not put stress on the liver. Therefore, patients afflicted with Gilbert’s syndrome should not consume alcohol. Alcohol is very toxic to the liver and puts undue stress on it because it filters the alcohol out of the blood. Other foods that should be avoided include fatty foods. When a person eats fatty foods, it makes the body work harder to digest the food. It can result in a fatty liver that makes the liver work harder to filter the blood. Some of these foods include dairy products, preserved meats, fatty meats, and foods that are not fresh. Other foods that should be avoided include too much protein, soda, refined sugars, and different medications. All these foods can cause a fatty liver, which puts more strain on the liver and prevents it from working the way it is designed to. It is important for someone with this condition to give their liver the least amount of work to do regarding processing food.

Next, learn about the importance of stress management.

Manage Stress


It is important to manage stress because it can make the levels of bilirubin increase. When the body produces too much bilirubin, it simply cannot be broken down properly. Leading a stressful life can make symptoms, such as jaundice, appear. By keeping stress levels to a minimum, the body is able to relax, resulting in less bilirubin produced. This is important in keeping a balance within the body. Reducing stress can help the body produce only as much bilirubin as it can effectively process. Some methods of reducing stress include practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation, learning how to better manage time, indulging in a favorite hobby, exercising, and getting plenty of sleep. Additionally, if the patient is stressed beyond their means, they should consider seeking help, including a psychologist or mental health professional. Thankfully, there are resources available to patients with Gilbert’s syndrome that can help reduce stress and make life more enjoyable and manageable.

Uncover the next method of managing Gilbert's syndrome now.

Inform Doctors Of The Condition


As with any medical condition, it is imperative to let any doctor know of any medical condition a patient may have. The doctor might order blood work and if they were not informed of the patient having Gilbert’s syndrome, they might believe that the patient has another underlying condition. Any doctor or specialist an individual with Gilbert's syndrome sees should be made well aware of their condition as a medical professional may be able to help alleviate symptoms and help the patient improve their overall life and health. It is in a person’s best interest to inform doctors of their condition because a doctor may waste time trying to diagnose a problem that has already been diagnosed.

Doctors might also be able to help the patient more quickly and efficiently if they already know what is wrong. If the patient is experiencing symptoms, the doctor will be able to confirm if it is because of Gilbert’s syndrome or if there is another problem. It is possible that other conditions might cause jaundice and other symptoms of Gilbert’s syndrome. However, it is vital information the doctor must have in order to treat the patient in the best and safest manner possible.

Keep reading to discover how exercise plays a vital role in managing Gilbert's syndrome.

Get Plenty Of Exercise


Regardless of one's health, it is important that everyone gets plenty of exercise on a regular basis as it is essential for a healthy life. However, strenuous workouts can be contraindicative if the patient has Gilbert’s syndrome. Too much exercise can cause an increase in bilirubin and since the body cannot process it in a normal fashion, it can bring on symptoms of the disease. Someone with Gilbert’s syndrome should try to engage in light to moderate exercise for thirty minutes on a daily basis, such as yoga, walking, or light Pilates. This will enable the patient to maintain a healthy lifestyle, without overdoing it. A person diagnosed with Gilbert’s syndrome should consult their physician with any workout plan they intend on engaging in. A doctor will help the patient figure out what is appropriate considering their medical condition and how much their body can truly handle.

Reveal why staying hydrated is essential for anyone dealing with Gilbert's syndrome now.

Stay Hydrated


It is important to make sure the patient stays hydrated and drink lots of water, especially while exercising or if the individual has an illness or is out in hot weather. If the patient does not keep themselves hydrated, the body cannot function properly. This affects all the systems of the body, and considering that the body cannot process bilirubin properly, it just puts additional strain on the liver. This additional strain can bring about symptoms of the disease, including yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. While these symptoms are generally benign, it is not an optimal situation for the body to be in. So, making sure the patient is drinking enough water is important in helping the body function the way it should and will take stress off the liver. So, when the patient is sick, or it is especially hot outside, the body needs more water to stay hydrated. Additionally, if the patient eats more fiber, they need more water to stay hydrated. Without additional water, the patient could become dehydrated and suffer the consequences of this situation.

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