Guide To Effective Acne Treatments

Acne is the most common skin condition out there. It is mainly linked to teenagers, though adults can get acne as well. Acne appears when the pores and hair follicles are clogged. Clogged pores occur for several reasons. These reasons include ingrown hairs, excess oil production, dirt, leftover makeup, hormones, dead skin, and bacteria. Acne appears in many forms, including small pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, and even nodules. Some may even develop cystic acne, which is when cysts develop under the skin and form painful lumps on the face.

No one likes dealing with acne. It’s unsightly and even painful. It destroys self-esteem. This is why so many people look for quick acne treatment so they can go on important dates, make public presentations, and overall feel great as soon as possible. There are many options for cystic acne treatment and inflammatory acne treat. Get the details on benzoyl peroxide for acne, a salicylic acid cleanser, and even tips on the best skincare for acne.

Benzoyl Peroxide

When it comes to topical acne medication, the most popular remedy is benzoyl peroxide. This is a powerful ingredient and will get rid of many forms of acne fairly quickly. It is often included in acne cleansers as well as topical acne medications. This includes both over-the-counter and prescription options. Benzoyl peroxide kills acne-causing bacteria and dries the excess oil from the skin.

Products containing benzoyl peroxide come in different strengths. It is recommended to try a low-strength option first and gradually introduce it to avoid unpleasant side effects like peeling skin. Additionally, those using benzoyl peroxide must be careful to avoid touching fabrics while the product is damp. Benzoyl peroxide is bleaching and will ruin fabrics. Thus, waiting until the product has dried or washing the hands before touching anything is vital.

Uncover what acid may be used to treat acne next.

Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is the next most common treatment out there for acne. This ingredient is taken from willow trees using the bark and leaves. It is a mild exfoliant and helps get rid of dead skin cells, and it also helps reduce oil production. Salicylic acid is also quite drying, so it dissolves acne very quickly. It can even treat inflammatory acne, since it also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Salicylic acid is often found in lotions and cleansers. It also often comes in toner form, which is what individuals should use after cleaning their skin. Some companies even offer concentrated salicylic acid in the form of topical cream and gel treatments. These are used directly on the acne and only on the affected areas rather than the whole face. Like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid should be introduced slowly to avoid nasty side effects. Following directions on a specific product unless otherwise directed by a doctor or dermatologist is crucial as well.

Learn about how antibiotics can be used on acne next.


Oral and topical antibiotics are incredible when it comes to treating acne caused by bacteria. They are antitoxins, which gives them the ability to get rid of bacteria. They also help reduce inflammation and redness. These are quite common in bacterial acne like cystic and nodular acne. When a patient is prescribed oral antibiotics, they are normally on a course of 3 to 6 months to treat their acne. A course of topical antibiotics is similar.

Because of how powerful antibiotics are, and to avoid resistance, doctors and dermatologists usually only recommend them when other treatments have failed. One of the more popular antibiotics for acne is clindamycin. This is often found in combination with benzoyl peroxide as a prescription acne cream. Patients must follow their doctor’s instructions for the best results when using antibiotics for acne.

Get the details on what powerful medication is brought in for severe acne treatment next.


When individuals are suffering from extreme acne, the most powerful treatment out there is a medication known as isotretinoin. It is most well-known as the brand Accutane. This medication is specially formulated to treat acne, including severe cystic acne. It is also said to help with acne scarring. Isotretinoin falls into the medication class of retinoids, which are synthetic versions of vitamin A.

This medication works by reducing the skin’s production of sebum, a natural oil. It also changes the sebaceous gland’s size. Research has proven this medication can reduce the production of sebum by as much as 90 percent. This shows it is certainly powerful stuff. Of course, patients must have a prescription and have to follow their doctor's instructions exactly. They are also not allowed to take vitamin A supplements when taking isotretinoin. Pregnant women are not allowed to take this medication either.

Read about the basic remedy for acne next.

Wash Face Regularly

Of course, one of the most important parts of treating and even preventing acne is washing the face. This helps keep the face and body free of dirt, excess oil, and other particles. Most dermatologists recommend for individuals to wash their face twice a day. This means once in the morning and once at night before bed. At night, they must pay particular attention to removing all of their makeup and cleaning their face after.

The type of cleanser an individual uses is vital. It must be formulated for their skin type. Though those with oily skin get acne the most, individuals with dry skin can as well. Most cleansers formulated for the individual’s skin type will work. There are also medicated cleansers that can help treat acne even more while they wash the face. The most common ingredients in these cleansers, salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, have already been discussed. Some cleansers may have natural acne-clearing ingredients, the most popular of which is tea tree oil.

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