Guide To Sagging Skin Treatment

Aging can result in sagging skin, as it seems the skin produces less collagen and elastin over time. With less collagen and elastin, the skin does not seem able to stay firm. Individuals may also find that smoking, sleeping in certain ways, and excessive sun exposure can hasten this process. In many cases, it appears that individuals start noticing sagging skin when they reach their sixties. However, as mentioned, it may be possible for this to appear earlier.

Individuals may need to put a significant amount of effort toward sagging skin treatment. Dietary supplements for sagging skin, such as supplements with collagen, may be helpful. However, individuals may need a surgical or other intense treatment to tighten skin on their face. This can include face lifts or botox injections. However, patients need to consult a doctor or dermatologist if they want to give themselves the best results.

Brow And Face Lift

Many patients who are dealing with sagging skin may need to consider a brow or face lift. These lifts are supposed to help with advanced cases. Brow lifts, the first stage, should help raise the brows. They may assist in raising the skin of the forehead too. However, sometimes plastic surgeons may recommend a face lift. This will hopefully give patients a little more power. Face lifts should help treat sagging cheeks, the skin around the lower jaw, and deep skin folds around the mouth.

Unfortunately, both of these lifts come with potential risks. Some patients could deal with hair loss and even scarring. Thus, they may need to exercise caution when undergoing either procedure. Additionally, some patients who have had issues with blood clotting may not be able to have a brow or face lift. Some research indicates that this may also be the case with individuals who have had weight fluctuations. Although some patients who have had a brow lift can get their stitches removed within ten days, swelling may remain for a few weeks. A facial sling and bandages may be needed after a face list for a week or two. Patients may also need to avoid the sun for a few weeks to help protect the incision. If they are lucky, they may see results last for ten years.

Reveal more treatments for sagging skin now.

Laser Therapy

In some cases, patients with sagging skin may want to try laser therapy. This therapy should help tighten the skin to some degree. Some experts claim that laser therapy does not need as much recovery time as a brow lift. In a procedure, the dermatologist will place a laser over the treatment site. This laser is supposed to heat the collagen under the skin. If it does so, the skin may tighten immediately. However, patients may require a few sessions to see any results. This can be one session a month for a few months. Each session varies in length and can be between thirty to sixty minutes. A topical anesthetic may help reduce a patient's discomfort during laser therapy.

In some cases, patients may need laser resurfacing. This is an invasive version of laser therapy. Patients who choose this option may need seven days of recovery afterward. Unlike laser skin tightening, this laser therapy can come with some side effects. Dermatologists should recommend the appropriate option for each patient.

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Retinol Products

Retinol is a form of vitamin A that may be applied to the skin. It should increase elastin and collagen. Some individuals may see a faster cell turnover rate as well. Many patients appear to need retinol products if they are going to have any hope of dealing with sagging skin. Although there are over-the-counter products, individuals who want to help increase their results may need a prescription retinol product. Thankfully, patients appear to have several options and may use retinol in a cream, serum, or spot treatment.

Unfortunately, retinol products also seem to have a high degree of irritation for some individuals. They can make the skin more sensitive to the sun, which is why individuals may wish to think about only applying these products at night. These products may also trigger dryness and irritation. Thus, individuals may consider starting to use retinol products slowly. This may help reduce the side effects. Some patients start with a pea-sized amount once a week for a few weeks. Retinols, unfortunately, may take an extended period to work. Results may begin to appear in three to six months, though significant ones may take up to a year.

Learn more about treating sagging skin now.

Collagen Supplements

Sagging skin as individuals age may be due to lower collagen. Thus, some patients can take collagen supplements to help reverse some of the effects. The majority of the supplements appear to be made from animal products. However, some vegan collagen may be available. Of course, there are potential side effects of taking collagen supplements. If these occur, they can include dizziness, swelling, insomnia, and headaches. Patients may also wish to consider having their liver function checked while taking collagen supplements, as sometimes they may have liver problems.

Some studies claim that collagen supplements may be safe at certain doses of up to forty milligrams daily. However, they also say that individuals should not consider taking these supplements for longer than twenty-four weeks. Thus, patients may want to talk to a doctor before taking collagen supplements for sagging skin.

Learn more about ways to treat sagging skin now.

Facial Exercises

Individuals may be able to deal with minor sagging skin if they perform facial exercises regularly. These exercises should help increase blood circulation to the face. If circulation increases, collagen production may improve, and the facial muscles may tighten. One of the potential facial exercises that patients can try is attempting to make their face look like a fish. This means that they should purse their lips and try to smile. As they are making this face, they should try sucking in their cheeks. Experts say that repeating this motion five times in a row regularly may provide them with the best results over time.

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