Eating For Your Blood Type

The blood type diet was created to improve general health and reduce the risk of specific illnesses. Based on blood type, the diet is designed to help the individual's body digest food more efficiently and avoid chemical reactions that lead to hormonal disruptions. The idea was formulated by a naturopathic physician named Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo who believes the blood causes a chemical reaction when it mixes with a protein called lectin, which is found in specific foods. This protein can interfere with some bodily functions because of its effect on the digestive tract and its ability to cause clumping of cells in the body. In addition, an individual's blood type may increase their risk of developing particular diseases or ailments. There's a completely different diet for each blood type. Learn more about eating for your blood type now.

Diet Guidelines Recommended For Type O

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Individuals with type O blood can digest proteins and fat better than those with other blood types because they have higher amounts of stomach acid. Diet guidelines recommended for type O include a high-protein diet and supplements to help with stomach problems and other issues. Food groups to be avoided include dairy because they may cause unnecessary weight gain or inflammatory and autoimmune responses. Individuals with O blood types may benefit from animal proteins, such as beef, lamb, veal, mutton, venison, and fish. Foods that should be avoided include pork, goose, barracuda, pickled herring, catfish, smoked salmon, octopus, conch, caviar, dairy, and eggs. Nuts are rich in protein and healthy fats and are recommended for O blood types, except for poppy seeds, brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts, and pistachios. Most types of beans are allowed. Acceptable grains include buckwheat, barley, rye, amaranth, Kamut, kasha, millet, spelt, and Ezekiel bread. All others should be avoided. Most vegetables and fruits are fine for consumption when eating for type O blood. Beverages to avoid include beer, coffee, distilled liquor, and black tea.

Learn about the dietary recommendations for individuals with type AB blood.

Diet Recommendations For Type AB


Type AB, a mix of type A and type B blood, is a rare blood type. Individuals with this blood type share characteristics of type A and type B, and can acquire either or both. This unique situation puts individuals with this blood type at a higher risk for chemical reactions because they inherited the challenges of both. Individuals who are type AB have low levels of stomach acid, but they’re able to consume lots of meat. Insufficient amounts of stomach acid can cause digestive problems or other issues. Smaller, more frequent meals are recommended to combat this problem. Eating certain foods at the same time, such as starches and proteins, can slow down digestion and metabolization of food. Diet recommendations for type AB include consuming tofu, seafood, dairy, and green vegetables. Types of fish recommended for the AB diet include red snapper, mahi-mahi, salmon, sardines, and tuna. Vegetables such as broccoli and kale are good for this blood type. Certain dairy products like yogurt or kefir are beneficial for the AB diet. Things to avoid include caffeine, alcohol, and smoked or cured meats.

Discover how individuals with type A blood can eat for their blood type next.

Foods To Eat And Avoid For Type A

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The diet for the A blood type is meat-free and consists mainly of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and soy proteins. Individuals with this blood type may have delicate immune systems and difficulty digesting animal protein and fat. The list of foods to eat and avoid for type A can be very restrictive. Recommended foods include soy protein, certain grains, nuts, seeds, olive oil, specific fruits, particular kinds of beans and legumes, certain vegetables (especially dark, leafy greens), garlic and onions, cold water fish, limited amounts of chicken and turkey, green tea, and ginger. The avoidance of processed foods, foods high in sugar, and simple carbohydrates is stressed on the type A diet. Specifically, foods to avoid include beef, pork, lamb, cow's milk, potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, certain vegetables, lima beans, specific fruits, poultry other than chicken and turkey, venison, certain fish, some grains and grain products, refined sugar and carbohydrates, oils other than olive oil, artificial ingredients, and most condiments.

Get to know the diet tips for type B blood next.

Best Diet Tips For Type B


Individuals who have type B blood are considered omnivores. They can eat a variety of foods. The best diet tips for type B include plenty of meat, fish, and green vegetables. Acceptable meats include goat, lamb, mutton, rabbit, venison, and small portions of beef or turkey. Vegetables like broccoli, Brussel sprouts, kale, collard greens, beet leaves, and mustard greens are good choices. Beets, yams, sweet potatoes, carrots, red and white cabbage, eggplant, parsnips and all types of peppers are also recommended for consumption when individuals have type B blood. Eggs and dairy products like yogurt, low or nonfat milk, goat milk or cheeses such as mozzarella, ricotta, cottage, feta or farmer cheese are recommended to boost metabolism. Grains allowed include oats, oat bran, rice bran, spelt, and millet. Brown rice bread, rice cakes, and products made with oat or rice flour are also encouraged. Beneficial beverages include green tea, licorice tea, certain herbal teas, and specific juices. Foods to avoid for individuals with type B blood include chicken, duck, pork, shellfish, coconuts, pomegranates, corn, tomatoes, avocados, pumpkin, lentils, wheat, barley, buckwheat, rye, peanuts, sesame seeds, certain beans, blue cheese, American cheese, distilled liquor, and certain condiments and spices.

Keep reading to learn about if eating for your blood type really works next.

Does The Blood Type Diet Work?

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Is there any scientific proof confirming the effectiveness of the blood type diet? Does the blood type diet work to lessen an individual's risk of illnesses like cardiovascular disorders, cancer, diabetes, or anxiety disorders? Studies have found evidence of certain health benefits for participants who followed the blood type diet, but they couldn’t find any association between these benefits and participants' blood types. Results of research data show no validating evidence to support the claims of the blood type diets. There’s no scientific evidence linking an individual’s blood type to a need for a specific diet that requires consumption or avoidance of certain foods. Nevertheless, improved health or desired weight loss can result from the restrictive diet, especially the healthy eating habits it requires. It’s important to eat a wide range of foods to meet nutritional needs regardless of diet choice. Individuals who are considering the blood type diet should first consult a doctor.

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