Foods Ulcerative Colitis Patients Should Avoid

Ulcerative colitis is a type of inflammatory bowel disease. This condition irritates the large intestine and rectum. The irritation triggers inflammation and causes ulcers, both of which will last for a long time. Symptoms include diarrhea, weight loss, pain in the abdomen, and fatigue. Patients will also feel a frequent urge to defecate, but an inability to do so. Rectal pain and bleeding may occur as well.

The cause remains unknown, although many experts suspect that it may be an autoimmune disorder. Diet and stress were previously thought to cause this condition. However, research has shown that this is not the case. Instead, they aggravate existing symptoms.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for ulcerative colitis. Instead, patients must seek out treatment for the rest of their lives to experience pain relief. They will often need to take corticosteroids for inflammation, as well as immunomodulator drugs and biologics. In fact, drug therapy for ulcerative colitis is the most common treatment. The other option for bowel inflammation treatment is to prevent ulcerative colitis flare-ups. This means avoiding food triggers.

Dairy Products

Many individuals who have ulcerative colitis are also quite sensitive to dairy products. This is because of the lactose that these foods contain. Lactose intolerance, which many ulcerative colitis patients suffer from as well, is a condition in which the body cannot properly digest lactose. This improper digestion is caused by a lack of an enzyme known as lactase in the small intestine.

Consuming dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt can, therefore, trigger symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain. Unfortunately, avoiding dairy products puts ulcerative colitis patients at risk of issues such as a calcium deficiency. They will need to search for other dietary sources, or they may be forced to rely on calcium and vitamin D supplements.

Get additional details on what foods trigger ulcerative colitis now.


Spicy Food

Spicy food often contains ingredients such as capsaicin, which can increase inflammation in the stomach and colon. It also forces the stomach to produce excessive amounts of acid. This can make digestion even worse. The colon is already irritated because of their condition, and eating inflammatory foods such as ones with a high amount of spice is not helpful.

They will end up experiencing abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea. Additionally, many patients with ulcerative colitis are sensitive to nightshades. This includes chili peppers, cayenne pepper, pimento peppers, and bell peppers. All of these are often used in spicy foods, which is why this type of food often causes problems.

Discover what healthy food these patients must avoid next.


Raw Vegetables

Individuals with ulcerative colitis often go through flare-ups of their symptoms. This is when their digestive system is the most compromised and not working at its best. Unforatuneyl, this also means they should avoid consuming raw vegetables. Although raw vegetables are technically healthy, they are hard to digest. This is because they contain a high amount of fiber.

Since they are harder to digest, the body has to do more work. For ulcerative colitis patients, this means they will likely experience an increase in abdominal pain, bloating, and gas. The hardest vegetables to digest include broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. Cooking these vegetables may help a little bit, but patients must still look at the fiber they contain.

Get the full details on what drinks need to be avoided next.


Carbonated Beverages

Any type of carbonated beverage, including regular soda, beer, and even club soda and tonic water, can result in digestive tract irritation. The carbonation also increases an individual’s gas production. This is because the bubbles that make up the carbonation are made out of gas.

Healthy individuals can normally tolerate the increase in gas. They may, however, have to belch once or twice. Unfortunately, ulcerative colitis patients will find their abdominal pain increases due to the additional irritation to their digestive system. Furthermore, most sodas also contain caffeine. This can make the diarrhea these patients experience even worse.

Reveal another food that ulcerative colitis patients should avoid now.



Ulcerative colitis patients may be disappointed by this, but most of them will have to eliminate popcorn from their diet. This is because popcorn is a grain and contains a high amount of fiber. Fiber requires more work from the body to digest. Otherwise healthy individuals are usually able to do this.

However, ulcerative colitis patients are already under significant strain. Their intestines may not completely digest the popcorn. When this happens, they will deal with an increase in symptoms, including stomach pain and diarrhea. They will also visit the bathroom more often. This is not a comfortable experience when their system is irritated.
