Healthy Snacks For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis means the immune system is attacking organs and tissues mistakenly. It is an autoimmune condition that triggers inflammation in the joints. It may also affect other parts of the body, including the eyes, skin, blood vessels, lungs, and heart. In many cases, individuals with rheumatoid arthritis deal with bone erosion and deformed joints.

Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis is vital. It needs to keep the inflammation under control and hopefully reverse parts of the condition before the damage can spread to other body parts. Many individuals need rheumatoid arthritis medication, often anti-inflammatories or corticosteroids, to help. Joint repair surgery is also a possibility for these patients. Of course, everyone should follow a rheumatoid arthritis diet, including special snacks for arthritis.


A handful of nuts is a popular snack. It is supposed to be one of the healthiest snacks around for many different reasons. Of course, it is not enough to grab any nut out there and snack without thought. The nutritional content of the nuts chosen is crucial to if they will be a healthy snack.

In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, a handful of walnuts is a tasty snack. Walnuts help lower blood pressure and boost the health of an individual’s heart. Many types of arthritis increase an individual’s risk of heart disease, so these effects from food are significant. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which experts have linked to reducing joint pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

Find out what fruit makes an excellent snack for rheumatoid arthritis next.



Many individuals with rheumatoid arthritis have experienced significant improvements in joint pain, stiffness, and overall mobility when they drink tart cherry juice. This is due to the anthocyanin the cherries contain, which is why they are red. This is a huge reason why eating a few cherries as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack is said to be healthy for individuals with arthritis.

Just like tart cherry juice, the actual cherries have anthocyanin. This means that individuals can still mitigate some of the severe symptoms they are experiencing. One serving of cherries is approximately equal to one cup. Using this as a starting point is a good idea, though many individuals will need to make adjustments.

Get more information on what snacks are good for individuals with rheumatoid arthritis now.



Edamame is a soybean, and they are the best way for individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis to move the supposed powers of soy from their meals and into their snack time. Edamame is full of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and soy protein. These beans are also low in fat. All of these are supposed to help individuals with rheumatoid arthritis reduce their joint pain and stiffness severity. This is essential, since the pain and stiffness can make daily life for arthritis patients very difficult.

The best way to eat edamame is to steam or boil the beans and get them out of the shells before eating. Edamame snacks are not often great for arthritis patients, as they contain preservatives, salt, and other unhealthy ingredients.

Learn more about healthy snacks for rheumatoid arthritis now.


Low-Fat Cheese And Whole Grain Crackers

Most individuals like to eat cheese and crackers as a snack. There is a reason crackers are often included on a platter of cheese and meat at parties, after all. However, individuals with rheumatoid arthritis will have a tougher time embracing this traditional snack, although it is still possible if they are careful about their choices. This means only picking out cheeses that are low in fat. High-fat dairy products are not suitable for individuals with rheumatoid arthritis. It is because the fat can aggravate their symptoms.

However, low-fat cheese still has vital nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D, to keep the bones and joints strong. Whole-grain crackers are also beneficial for rheumatoid arthritis. One reason for this is because they have a lot of fiber, which keeps an individual’s appetite down and lets them manage their weight better. This takes the pressure off their joints, lessening the pain and stiffness. Thus, individuals should consider slicing low-fat cheese and put it on whole-grain crackers for their next afternoon snack.

Keep reading to learn more about what snacks can help individuals with rheumatoid arthritis now.


Vegetables And Dip

Vegetables are a vital part of anyone’s diet, whether or not they have health issues. However, individuals with rheumatoid arthritis need nutrients more than ever if they want to get rid of as much of their symptoms as possible. The body needs nutrients if it is going to heal pain, loosen up, and stay healthy.

A good vegetable for rheumatoid arthritis is broccoli, which has calcium to keep the bones strong. It also has vitamins A, C, and K, which protect against damage from free radicals, something necessary for arthritis too. Other good vegetables to snack on include carrots, celery, and cucumbers with the skin on. Dip can contain lots of healthy vitamins and nutrients too, but if it is a dairy dip, it has to be low in fat.
