Understanding Foods To Avoid On The Whole30 Diet

The Whole30 diet, which Melissa Urban created in 2009, involves only eating unprocessed food. Individuals on this diet usually follow it for thirty days. They are supposed to eat healthy fats, meat, eggs, seafood, fruit, and vegetables. This diet claims to improve digestion and metabolism. Thus, it is also supposed to assist with weight loss.

The Whole30 diet may help individuals find out if they have food allergies. Thus, they will know if they need to take allergy meds or not. Of course, the Whole30 may be tough for some individuals. It can also be expensive. Thus, individuals may wish to consider a cheap Whole30 meal plan or look at Whole30 frozen foods. These may help make the diet a little easier to follow.

Dairy Products

Dairy products can trigger severe inflammation in the body, including significant bloating. Individuals can feel quite uncomfortable if they eat dairy. Certain individuals with sensitivities to dairy can experience fatigue. Frequent sinus infections may also occur. Individuals who eat dairy products may even realize that it can trigger flare-ups of eczema and acne. Other inflammatory skin conditions may also worsen. If individuals want to have a shot at fixing this, they will have to avoid all dairy products on the Whole30 diet. Although individuals can consume milk alternatives, there are often limits. On the Whole30 diet, they are usually not supposed to drink any alternatives with soy or carrageenan.

Individuals on the Whole30 diet are at a high risk of being deficient in calcium. Thus, individuals will likely have to choose dairy alternatives fortified with calcium. This may not be enough. Other sources of calcium allowed on the Whole30 diet are sardines and collard greens. Individuals may need to eat lots of these to compensate. However, they may even need calcium supplements. This is especially the case for individuals who were already taking them. To be safe, individuals should consider talking to a doctor about calcium supplements on the Whole30 diet.

Continue reading to learn about more foods to avoid on the Whole30 diet now.



Individuals on the Whole30 diet will need to be prepared to give up eating grains. This includes corn, rye, oats, wheat, rice, and even quinoa. Individuals may find eliminating grains helpful, as they can make them feel bloated and quite lethargic. Some individuals may even see a boost in their general mood when they stop eating grains.

However, avoiding grains can be hard, as many foods can contain hidden grains. Thus, individuals must be wary and double-check the labels on foods. Most individuals are used to including grains on their plate. Now, though, they will need to look for alternatives. Some individuals find that planning their meals around vegetables helps with this. After the Whole30 diet, individuals should pay attention to their symptoms. This is because some may have celiac disease or gluten intolerance. These can be uncomfortable and scary conditions, so patients should talk to a doctor.

Learn about more foods to avoid on this diet now.



Legumes are yet another food that individuals will not be able to consume on the Whole30 diet. Most of them are not allowed thanks to the substances that they contain. Many substances found in legumes can significantly increase inflammation in the body. In serious cases, individuals may even deal with leaky gut syndrome because of legumes. Legumes can also trigger severe allergic reactions. The most popular of these is an allergy to peanuts.

Legumes may also result in the body producing too much estrogen. This causes a hormonal imbalance in the body. Furthermore, legumes can also slow down weight loss. It may even stop completely for some individuals. Thus, the Whole30 diet seeks to eliminate them so these issues do not trouble individuals. Unfortunately, taking out legumes is difficult. Some individuals find that cooking their meals helps, though there are still challenges.

Discover more foods to avoid on this diet now.


Added Sugar

Perhaps one of the hardest elements of the Whole30 diet is avoiding added sugar. After all, added sugar is not only delicious. It is also often included in many foods that individuals do not realize. However, sugar increases the risk of premature aging, obesity, heart disease, and even cancer. Unfortunately, it can increase an individual's blood pressure, heart rate, and insulin. Individuals may also feel tired and anxious after eating sugar. They may not be able to concentrate either.

Cravings may be unbearable at times when cutting out added sugar. However, individuals who are trying to follow the Whole30 diet will have to stop eating added sugar. They are likely not even allowed to have common alternatives, such as stevia or honey. The only sweet elements permitted are pure fruit juice and certain coconut aminos.

Read more about the foods that should be avoided on this diet now.


MSG And Sulfites

Many foods contain additives. Two of the most common are sulfites and MSG. The latter enhances a food's flavor. However, many individuals state that is triggers severe headaches, hives, and dizziness. Some even say frequently eating foods that contain MSG causes obesity, increased inflammation, and even diabetes. Thus, individuals should consider taking it out of their diet in general. Of course, the Whole30 diet does not allow this substance, even if it tastes good.

The Whole30 diet also does not allow sulfites. These are added to foods to stop discoloration. They can even prolong the shelf life of many products. However, they can also cause allergic reactions. Individuals may deal with diarrhea, dizziness, headaches, and vomiting if they have something with sulfites in it. Some may even find that it is hard to breathe. Sulfites can be hard to avoid, as they appear in several ways on nutrition labels. Individuals must read them carefully. If they are in doubt, it is usually best to leave that food on the shelf.
