What Lifestyle Tips Can Help Dyskinesia?

Dyskinesia seems to involve abnormal and uncontrollable movements. Levodopa, a common Parkinson's disease medication, seems to trigger it if patients take it for long periods. However, this medication may not always result in dyskinesia. Many patients say that their movements can look like chorea or tics. Some of them can deal with fluid-like movements. Regardless, this condition appears to be quite distressing. Severe cases seem to result in extreme exhaustion.

Patients may start dyskinesia treatment by lowering their dose of levodopa for Parkinson's disease. They also seem to benefit from taking medication for dyskinesia. Deep brain stimulation for dyskinesia appears to be used for severe symptoms. Regardless, it looks like all patients can improve symptoms by using natural remedies for dyskinesia.

Practice Stress Management

It seems that stress can make this condition worse. Thus, patients dealing with it may want to practice stress management. This may allow them to develop coping strategies for stress. The result appears to be avoiding anger and frustration, among other potentially harmful feelings. Healthy ways to practice stress management seem to include spending time with loved ones and deep breathing. Maintaining a healthy diet could be helpful as well.

Practicing stress management should help individuals boost their overall flexibility and stability. Other options that may be available include reading, getting enough rest, and listening to music. Individuals who are unsure of what to try may want to ask their doctor for suggestions.

Continue reading to learn about more lifestyle tips that may help with dyskinesia now.


Get Regular Exercise

Symptoms of dyskinesia may improve if individuals can get regular exercise. They should aim to increase their heart rate and sweat. This condition may even slow down with regular exercise. Patients seem to have several options for exercise to try alleviating their symptoms. They can practice yoga, go for a walk or jog, try swimming, or ride a bicycle. Dancing and stretching may also help.

However, patients seem to need a regular schedule, regardless of the specific exercise. Even if it may be a more effective activity, infrequent exercise is not likely to improve a patient's symptoms. Individuals should also drink water when they exercise. Hopefully, this will boost their overall results.

Discover more lifestyle tips that seem to help treat dyskinesia now.


Make Dietary Changes

Dyskinesia patients may benefit from making some dietary changes. This seems to mean that they should pay more attention to the foods that they consume. Protein appears to be a strong example. Some protein sources, such as dairy products, beans, and meat, may cause the patient's body to absorb less medication. However, protein is considered an essential part of most diets. Thus, patients may need to adjust when they eat it. This may mean waiting for at least thirty minutes after taking their medication.

Other dietary changes that seem to help dyskinesia symptoms include eating fruit and a significant amount of fiber. Individuals should also consider avoiding spicy food, smoked food, and greasy food. Some vegetables may irritate the stomach, so patients should avoid them. Two examples of these vegetables appear to be garlic and onions. High cholesterol meals also seem to be a problem. Patients should consider cutting them out of their diet to try improving their symptoms.

Reveal more potential lifestyle methods for dealing with dyskinesia now.


Try Physical Therapy

Patients may wish to try physical therapy if they have dyskinesia. It appears to be an effective method of improving their coordination and boosting their balance. Overall, it seems to increase their mobility and make symptom management easier. Patients may need to rely less on opioids when they try physical therapy as well. Finally, it appears that patients may even be able to avoid surgery if they try physical therapy first.

Physical therapy should be a program designed for each patient. However, patients seem to need to follow it exactly if they are going to see any results. Physical therapists with experience in treating dyskinesia appear to provide better results. Exercises should focus on their strength and mobility.

Get more information on possible options to manage dyskinesia naturally now.


Get More Rest

Patients may see worsening symptoms of dyskinesia if they do not rest often. Thus, they should attempt to sleep for a minimum of seven hours a night. Individuals seem to benefit from resting during the day as well. Getting more rest may actually do two things. It appears that it can alleviate current symptoms and prevent future flares. Rest also appears to help patients manage their stress. This, as mentioned, may help them with their condition as well.

Individuals may also want to avoid performing difficult activities. The extra strain does not seem to help their symptoms. It can make them deal with insomnia or oversleeping. Strain may even trigger some injuries for certain patients.
