What Is Lisinopril?

Lisinopril is a prescription medication in the ACE inhibitor class. Patients may have the choice between a tablet or liquid solution of this medication. Adults appear to be placed on a dose of up to ten milligrams initially. A maintenance dose may range from twenty to forty milligrams daily. However, it is possible that some individuals will need a lower dose.

This should be a fairly useful medication for high blood pressure. However, patients may still need to monitor their blood pressure while taking it. Sometimes, lisinopril may be a potential diabetes treatment. Blood sugar checks will still be necessary, but the condition should be more manageable. Some patients may also be recommended this medication as heart failure treatment.

How It Should Work

Lisinopril should work similarly to other ACE inhibitors. It is supposed to block an enzyme that converts more angiotensin II. If individuals have less of this in their blood, their vessels should relax. Their heart should receive more blood. It may also get more oxygen, increasing its function. This medication may also reduce how much aldosterone is released in the body. It should also mean that the kidneys can release more sodium through urine. However, the liver does not appear to metabolize this medication. This appears to be because it is a water-soluble medication. It should come with a half-life of twelve hours.

Learn about potential uses and benefits next.


Possible Uses And Benefits

It seems as if lisinopril is a common high blood pressure medication. However, this may not be the only use for it. Doctors can choose to prescribe it to treat heart failure or a heart attack. However, there may be a time limit. If patients want the best chance of survival, they may have to take this medication within twenty-four hours. It may also help prevent a stroke from occurring.

Some patients may receive this medication for an 'off-label' use. This can be for conditions such as coronary artery disease, diabetes, or migraines. Research appears to show that it can slow down the progression of kidney disease in diabetes patients. It may also help slow diabetic retinopathy by fifty percent. Some migraine patients may experience a twenty percent drop in the severity and duration of them. They may also see a twenty-one percent reduction in the number of days that they experience migraines.

Get some information on the possible side effects next.


Potential Side Effects

This medication may cause some side effects. It seems that the most common of these include weakness, blurry vision, dizziness, and sweating. Confusion and cloudy urine may also appear. Less common side effects may include coughing, chest pain, chills, and nausea. Patients may also deal with pain in their abdomen. Issues breathing, diarrhea, or vomiting may also occur. Some individuals taking this medication will experience a sore throat. Rare effects of this medication may include joint pain, insomnia, appetite loss, and muscle pain. Some individuals may see an increase in their heart rate.

Patients may want to talk to their doctor about any of the side effects they encounter. This is important even if their side effects seem minor. If the effects persist or get worse, patients should consider talking to them immediately. They may need to have their dose adjusted. In some cases, doctors may need to switch their medication entirely.

Continue reading to discover precautions related to this medication next.


Precautions To Remember

Some patients may not be able to take this medication safely. They may need to inform their doctor of their complete medical history. Points of concern for this medication seem to include kidney issues, liver disease, and heart conditions. Imbalances in electrolytes or fluids may be concerning as well. This medication can result in dangerous levels of potassium in kidney patients. It may also aggravate liver disease. Additionally, it appears that this medication is not safe for pregnant women.

Patients will need to have follow-up appointments for this medication. Doctors will likely need to monitor their weight and blood pressure during these appointments. They may need blood tests regularly. Patients may need to take the liquid medication. This will typically require them to shake the bottle first. Shaking the bottle should mix the drug well. They also need to be cautious about storing this medication. It does not seem to do well in heat or moisture. Direct light may not be good for it either. It looks like room temperature is the best.

Uncover the potential medication interactions next.


Potential Medication Interactions

There can be many potential medication interactions with lisinopril. This is why patients may want to talk about their current medications with a doctor first. Pharmacists may also need to be informed. Possible interactions may occur with lithium, potassium, and losartan. Others include sirolimus and amiloride. Using medications like these at the same time as lisinopril may increase the risk of side effects.

If patients need to take medications that may interact with lisinopril, they must consult their doctor. They may need a lower dose of one or both medications. It is possible that taking them less frequently will help. Examples of these medications may include ibuprofen, tizanidine, and Aspirin.
