Guide To The Symptoms Of Diabetes Insipidus
Diabetes insipidus is a somewhat rare condition that leads to an imbalance of certain fluids within the body. When this imbalance occurs, the affected individual will experience high amounts of thirst even after they've recently drunk something. The presence of this disorder will cause the affected person to urinate frequently until treatment has been obtained. As of this moment, there are no cures for this condition. There are, however, a variety of options to manage symptoms. There are several different types of diabetes insipidus patients could suffer from, including central, gestational, nephrogenic, and dipsogenic diabetes insipidus. The type of diabetes insipidus individuals suffer from depends on what caused the condition to develop. If individuals don't seek treatment to manage the symptoms they experience, it's possible they will go through a variety of complications that extend from dehydration to an electrolyte imbalance.
Learn about the symptoms of diabetes insipidus now.
Extreme Levels Of Thirst

The primary symptom that occurs when an individual is suffering from diabetes insipidus is extreme levels of thirst. The body is comprised of a complex system that regulates thirst as well as urination. When this system is functioning properly, an individual's fluid levels will be balanced, which means they'll feel thirsty at the appropriate times and will only need to go to the bathroom when necessary. Extreme levels of thirst can be difficult to handle since patients will feel as though they need to drink fluids almost constantly, which will cause them to urinate far more frequently than normal. There are a variety of signs of extreme thirst that can help individuals determine if they're suffering from this symptom. For one, thirst will be persistent even after they've consumed a high amount of liquids. Patients could also be fatigued or experience blurry vision as a result of their thirst. Since drinking a large amount of liquid will cause them to urinate more regularly, patients will be able to determine if they're affected by this symptom if they urinate over five quarts per day. This symptom can be a sign of a health problem even more serious than diabetes insipidus, which means patients will want to seek treatment immediately.
Uncover more diabetes insipidus symptoms now.
Frequent Need To Pee At Night

A key aspect of the system that balances the fluids in the body is the production of an anti-diuretic hormone, which is produced by the portion of the brain known as the hypothalamus. This hormone is designed to signal the kidneys to make lower amounts of urine, which primarily occurs at night. If this system is disrupted, the kidneys won't know lower amounts of urine should be produced, which means patients will likely experience a frequent need to pee at night. If individuals find they need to urinate more than twice throughout the night, it's possible diabetes insipidus is the cause. Frequent urination can also bring about other symptoms, including pain and general difficulties with urinating. Since the frequent need to pee at night will disrupt a patient's sleep schedule, they'll likely feel fatigued as well until they find the right treatment.
Continue reading for more symptoms of diabetes insipidus now.
Lots Of Diluted Urine

Drinking large amounts of water in a short period can cause individuals to experience lots of diluted urine. A diluted specimen of urine is one with very low levels of creatine in it. When individuals experience diabetes insipidus, they will invariably have high levels of thirst, which will cause them to urinate on a frequent basis. If patients urinate more than eight times each day, there's likely some underlying condition causing this issue. Having diluted urine is a natural byproduct of drinking a substantial amount of water and other liquids, which means finding a way to manage extreme thirst should also help reduce how frequently they need to urinate. If patients find they're urinating far more often than they should be, treatment is absolutely necessary. While diabetes insipidus isn't always a serious condition, it can create problems.
Uncover details on more symptoms of diabetes insipidus now.
Issues Sleeping

A wide array of sleep disorders and problems can cause individuals to start having issues with sleeping. When an individual is sleeping normally, they are supposed to progress through numerous cycles of sleep, each of which is important to make sure the individual feels well rested when they wake up. If an individual finds they're having difficulty sleeping, they should be sure to check for the other symptoms on this list. Since there are so many causes of sleeping problems, it's important at least one other symptom on this list is present so the condition can be properly diagnosed. Sleeping issues from diabetes insipidus primarily occur because of how often patients will need to urinate at night. Since the kidney can't function properly when patients are suffering from diabetes insipidus, they'll likely urinate during the night at the same rate they do during the day. This symptom is also particularly common with infants and young children with diabetes insipidus.
Discover more symptoms of diabetes insipidus now.
Constipation And Vomiting

It is possible diabetes insipidus will cause patients to experience such symptoms as constipation and vomiting, both of which are very common symptoms that can point to a wide range of different conditions and diseases. Constipation is an issue that occurs when an individual has difficulties with passing stool. Patients will know they're suffering from constipation if they're having three or fewer bowel movements each week. Constipation can also cause many complications if not treated, which include torn skin or swollen veins within the anus. Eating foods with high amounts of fiber may be able to reduce constipation. Vomiting is also common and will usually occur soon after a meal. Keep in mind both of these symptoms are most common among younger children and infants affected by diabetes insipidus.