Overview Of Foods That May Help With Breast Cancer Recovery
Breast cancer, where the cancerous cells start in breast tissue, appears to be one of the most common forms found in women. Skin cancer may be the only type that affects more. Almost 300 thousand women seem to be diagnosed with breast cancer every year in the United States. Thankfully, it appears that less than twenty-five percent of them will pass away from it.
This may indicate that there are many effective breast cancer treatments. Certain patients may treat breast cancer without surgery, and these individuals seem to receive chemotherapy for breast cancer. Immunotherapy for cancer may also be an option for them. However, women should want the best treatment for metastatic breast cancer. This appears to include surgery for breast cancer in many instances. Breast hormone therapy can be available too, along with holistic breast cancer treatment. Breast cancer recovery may need to be considered at all stages, and it may include a healthy breast cancer diet.
Kale And Spinach
Individuals who are recovering from breast cancer may benefit from eating kale and spinach. This seems to be because these green vegetables can contain high amounts of carotenoids. They appear to be responsible for the color of many vegetables. Carotenoids may reduce cases of cancer returning.
A five-year medical study seems to have proven the effects of kale and spinach on breast cancer recovery. It took 1551 women who underwent treatment for breast cancer. They appear to have been put on a carotenoid-rich diet, including kale and spinach. Around three-quarters of the women in this study seem to have avoided breast cancer reoccurrences. Other studies appear to have revealed similar results, making kale and spinach a likely powerhouse for breast cancer recovery.
Discover more foods that may help with breast cancer recovery now.

Fatty Fish
Fatty fish appears to help with breast cancer recovery as well. This may be due to the fact that fatty fish can contain significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. It seems that these acids may be able to reduce the chances of a patient's breast cancer returning by quite a high degree. These acids may also stop cancer from spreading. One of these acids, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), seems to reduce bone metastasis. DHA and other omega-3 fatty acids also appear to slow down the growth of breast cancer cells. Clinical studies seem to indicate that eighty-nine percent of women who ate more fatty fish had a lower risk of breast cancer. The best types of fish for this may be trout, salmon, tuna, and mackerel.
Reveal more foods that may assist breast cancer recovery now.

Citrus Fruit
Some patients in breast cancer recovery seem to have success with eating citrus fruit. Citrus fruit examples may include grapefruit, oranges, limes, and lemons. They appear to contain a significant amount of vitamin C. Research suggests that vitamin C may reduce the spread of cancer. Grapefruit seems to help with breast cancer the most. The reason may be because grapefruit contains lycopene, which is considered a carotenoid. As mentioned, carotenoids may help reduce the chances of cancer returning. It seems that citrus fruits also have a significant amount of antioxidants. Antioxidants may stop cancer growth and boost enzymes that may break down cancer-causing chemicals.
Continue reading to learn about other possible foods for breast cancer recovery now.

Eating beans appears to reduce the chances of a patient's breast cancer returning. The reason may be because beans have enterolactone in them. This substance may make cancer cells more sensitive to radiation therapy. Thus, beans may make radiation therapy more effective at destroying cancer cells. This may reduce the amount of treatment patients need, which can be easier on their body. Black beans may stop new blood vessels from growing around cancer cells. This should help reduce blood flow to the tumor, which can result in less expansion.
Reveal more information on what foods may benefit patients going through breast cancer recovery now.

Breast cancer survivors may benefit from eating blueberries regularly. This may be because they contain pterostilbene, an important phytochemical. Patients may find that this phytochemical can reverse cell mutation and maybe stop the growth of cancer cells. This should help kill the cancer cells eventually.
Blueberries also appear to destroy free radicals. This should be helpful since free radicals mean some atoms do not have an electron. Thus, they may reach for other electrons to bind to, though this may result in cell damage. Cell damage seems to cause many conditions, one of which may be breast cancer. Therefore, eating blueberries may stop this factor and help breast cancer survivors.