Home Remedies To Fight Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion is the blockage of the nasal passages, typically due to the inflammation of blood vessels in the sinuses. This makes it tough to breathe normally and many individuals say they feel they will never breathe right again when their nose is stuffed. Nasal congestion is a symptom of many conditions that affect the respiratory system. The most common conditions that result in congestion include allergies, the common cold, the flu, as well as sinus infections.

Everyone wants to stop nasal congestion. It is quite uncomfortable and annoying to deal with after all, since it is often tough to sleep with a stuffy nose. Depending on the cause, patients may be prescribed nasal congestion medication to get them breathing clearly again. Many use steroid nasal spray for a congested nose, especially for the flu, common cold, and sinus infections. Allergy medicine for a stuffy nose may also be an option.

Use A Neti Pot

Clearing clogged nasal passages is not a pleasant task, but it can be accomplished by using a device called a neti pot. A neti pot looks similar to a teapot and was designed specifically to relieve nasal congestion. It works very simply: by flushing allergens, mucus, and other irritants from the nose through nasal irrigation. Users must fill the neti pot with a solution of lukewarm water and pharmaceutical salt. After this, they should stick one end of the neti pot into a nostril and lean over the sink with their head tilted. The solution should flow through one nostril and then out the other. The process should be repeated on the other side if it is to be successful.

Studies have shown using a neti pot is effective for all causes of nasal congestion. It may be especially helpful for children with allergies. It also lessens the patient’s reliance on steroid nasal sprays, which, while effective, can have serious side effects. Neti pots are safe for individuals to use daily.

Get the details on how humidifiers help fight nasal congestion next.

Get A Humidifier

Dry air is a major contributor to nasal congestion, as it irritates the nasal passages. The air is usually dry in the winter, which is the major season for the flu, common cold, and sinus infections. This is because heating in homes dries out the air more. Cold air does this too. This is why adding moisture to the air is so important.

Humidifiers turn water into moisture and put that moisture into the air. This moisture makes the air a little more humid, which hydrates the nasal passages. This hydration soothes inflamed blood vessels and calms other sources of irritation. Humidifiers have also been shown to drain the nose of extra fluid by thinning mucus. When individuals are sick with a condition like the common cold, their noses are often full of thick mucus, so making it thinner helps break up congestion.

Discover a home remedy to fight nasal congestion that is similar to a humidifier next.

Breath In Steam

Breathing in steam works fairly well in relieving nasal congestion. It is very similar to using a humidifier in the sense that it adds moisture to the air. This moisture, of course, is directed right to the nose. The steam inhaled can thin mucus in the nose and relieve inflamed blood vessels. Patients with nasal congestion can breathe in steam in a couple of different ways. They can lean over a bowl of hot water with a towel behind their head and breathe in. They can also take a hot shower and let the steam from it fill up the room.

Inhaling steam is safe and the process can be repeated several times a day for relief. However, some patients with nasal congestion will want a faster remedy. In this case, adding cloves of garlic to the hot water or including a few drops of essential oil, can relieve nasal congestion a little bit faster.

Continue reading to learn about more remedies for fighting nasal congestion fast now.

Consume Hot Liquids

When treating nasal congestion, it is important to stay hydrated. This is a key part of getting rid of illnesses like the flu and common cold. Hot liquids, such as soup and tea, are particularly effective for relieving nasal congestion. The hot temperature helps thin mucus in the nose faster, which then lets the excess flow out of the nose, making it easier for patients to breathe.

Plain hot water will work, but if patients want to get rid of congestion faster, they are better off consuming hot liquids like chamomile tea, chicken noodle soup, or hot water with lemon and honey. The added ingredients provide more decongesting benefits. They are also comforting for individuals who are suffering from the common cold or flu. Honey, for instance, also soothes a sore throat.

Uncover the details on what food treats nasal congestion next.

Eat Mucus-Thinning Foods

There are many kinds of food with the ability to get rid of nasal congestion because of mucus-thinning properties. Specific examples of foods that can thin mucus in the nose are spicy foods, garlic, horseradish, onion, black pepper, chili peppers, curry spices, and even mustard. They can do this as all of these foods and ingredients thin mucus in the nose. Hot peppers, which are in many spicy foods, contain capsaicin, which is a major way to effectively get rid of nasal congestion.

Unfortunately, eating spicy foods is uncomfortable and even annoying. Many individuals find that not only will their nose run quite a lot, but their eyes will water as well. Garlic, though it is not spicy, does add intense flavor to spicy foods. It also has antifungal and antiviral properties, which help it treat the common cold. Garlic also contains an active ingredient called n-allyl thiosulfinate, which is a known decongestant.

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