How Epsom Salt Benefits Health
Epsom salt is a type of mineral compound made from magnesium sulfate. Because this chemical compound is comprised of such substances as oxygen, magnesium, and sulfur, it can provide individuals who use it with a wide array of health benefits. Epsom salt is also an affordable item that's easy to use and completely harmless, which makes it a good alternative for many pain treatments. While Epsom salt can be used in a variety of ways, the most common method includes pouring the salt into a hot bath. Though it's possible to dissolve Epsom salt in a cup of water before drinking it, it is quite bitter. Learn about the major health benefits of Epsom salt now.
Improves Muscle Soreness

One of the major benefits Epsom salt provides is how it improves muscle soreness and reduces the pain. Muscle soreness is particularly common after working out. Whether individuals lift weights for too many repetitions or run for longer than normal, soreness can kick in when their muscles become strained. This soreness is particularly common during the first twenty-four to forty-eight hours following an intense workout. Performing physical activities individuals didn't have experience with before now can also cause them deal with a decent amount of muscle soreness. This soreness can feel particularly severe when individuals suffer from a msucle cramp in any area of the body, which occurs when the muscle contracts involuntarily. The magnesium found in Epsom salt is believed to be the source for muscle soreness relief. Because of how this salt can reduce muscle soreness, it may be able to provide relief from the soreness that's often symptomatic of conditions like fibromyalgia and arthritis.
Keep reading for more information on how Epsom salt benefits health now.
Reduces Stress

While many of the health benefits of Epsom salt are physical health benefits, there are also some mental health benefits. The amount of magnesium in the body helps individuals sleep properly and reduces stress. The magnesium found in Epsom salt can assist the body in the production of melatonin, which helps promote sleep while also calming the mind. When the magnesium in the body has dropped to a low level, a variety of negative effects might occur, like an increase in stress. Being able to absorb magnesium into the skin with Epsom salt may help reverse these effects. Hot baths are also known to help individuals relax, which is why the combination of a hot bath and Epsom salt can be particularly effective at reducing stress. High amounts of stress can adversely affect almost every component of the body and can cause issues with both an individual's mental and physical states. If individuals have been experiencing long-term stress, using Epsom salt may help them lessen their stress before serious complications occur.
Learn more about how Epsom salt benefits health now.
Alleviates Itchy Skin

If patients have developed a rash of any kind or simply find their skin is itching for no discernible reason, they'll definitely want to look into using Epsom salt. The magnesium found in Epsom salt contains anti-inflammatory properties, which means the substance can reduce inflammation and possibly lessen the severity of itchy skin. The exfoliation provided by Epsom salt also alleviates itchy skin by removing dead skin cells. A wide range of issues can cause itchy skin, extending from poison ivy and poison oak to bedbug bites and certain infections. It's also possible for more severe conditions like skin cancer and kidney disease to cause itchy skin. While Epsom salt may be unable to cure some of the conditions causing itchy skin, it can alleviate symptoms.
Discover additional health benefits of Epsom salt now.
Relieves Constipation

It's widely known magnesium relieves constipation, which is why Epsom salt is a commonly used remedy as well. When magnesium enters the body, it helps constipation by drawing water directly into the colon, which promotes better bowel movements. While magnesium is usually taken in pill form for the treatment of constipation, patients can instead dissolve a little Epsom salt in water to provide the same effect. Doing so allows patients to use the substance as a laxative that will more quickly circulate through the system. While using Epsom salt during a bath enters directly into the skin, it can take some time for this process to occur, which is something individuals likely don't want to wait for when dealing with constipation. As is the case with all other laxatives, Epsom salt has some potential side effects, such as liquid stool or bloating.
Get the details on more health benefits of Epsom salt now.
Gets Rid Of Headaches

Epsom salt gets rid of headaches because of the high amount of magnesium found in the solution. It's believed low magnesium in the body can cause an individual who suffers from regular headaches and migraines to be more prone to an attack. Epsom salt can be highly beneficial when dealing with a headache in a couple of ways. For one, it should provide patients with quick and sustained relief from the headache they're experiencing at the time. Epsom salt can also lessen the frequency at which individuals are affected by headaches or migraines, which can bolster their general health. However, it's important to avoid using too much Epsom salt when trying to relieve headaches. If individuals drink water containing Epsom salt, they must focus on staying at the recommended dosage. Drinking too much can cause a variety of side effects, which will also minimize this remedy's effectiveness.