Guide To Healthy Tattoo Aftercare
Getting a tattoo can be an exciting time. Individuals can choose from just about anything and have it placed anywhere they want. Of course, when they are deciding where they want it placed and how big it's going to be, individuals need to take into consideration whether they want it easily seen. For example, if individuals work in an office, they might not want a tattoo on their hands because then everyone will always be able to see it. Taking care of a tattoo is critical to it healing properly and lasting a long time. There are several precautions to take when keeping a tattoo in good condition.
Wash With Fragrance-Free Soap And Water

If individuals want their tattoo to maintain its color and heal fast, they need to wash it with fragrance-free soap and water. Fragrance-free is crucial, as the chemicals used to make regular soap can irritate the tattoo. Individuals need to make sure they wash the area with the proper kind of soap and only using their hand. Individuals should not use a wash rag or body puff to clean the area. Using only their hand will reduce the chances of irritating the tattoo and introducing bacteria to the site. Washing will remove leftover ink, blood, and ointment. A tattoo is basically a wound, so individuals should treat it as such. Any irritation can lead to the color fading or creating a wound on top of the tattoo, which could affect the color appearance or even the shape of the tattoo. After spending all the time, pain, and money to get a tattoo, individuals need to take care of it for the best results.
Learn more about healthy tattoo aftercare now.
Use A Breathable Moisturizer

Part of the healing process means individuals should not put anything over top of the tattoo that will prevent it from breathing, including clothing and moisturizers. It is important to use a breathable moisturizer, such as vitamin E oil or some creams. Individuals can also use some ointments available over the counter at many stores. Additionally, there are bandages individuals can use that will allow for healing. When using a moisturizer or lotion, it is important not to put a thick layer on the tattoo. Not only will the tattoo not be able to breathe, but it may take some effort to get it off. So, individuals may end up applying too much pressure on the area or scratch the tattoo, neither of which is good for the healing process.
Continue reading for the next tip on caring for a tattoo now.
Avoid Direct Sunlight

Sunlight is great, just not for tattoos. After getting a tattoo, individuals should avoid direct sunlight when possible. As a result, they will need to use sunblock on the tattoo if they are out in the sun or choose to use a tanning bed. However, this should only be done after the tattoo has healed completely. The reason individuals need to keep tattoos out of the sun or use sunblock is because of the sun's ultraviolet rays. The rays will break up the pigment in the tattoo when it is absorbed. This will make the tattoo fade and the color look washed out. If an individual is diligent with using sunblock on their tattoos, however, they will enjoy a newer looking tattoo for years. If individuals do not use the sunblock, their tattoo will suffer and become faded. Other things can happen to the tattoo because of exposure to the sun. These include the tattoo changing colors, extending the healing process, or burning the area.
Get the details on more ways to care for a new tattoo now.
Avoid Scratching

Since the tattoo is basically an open wound, it will heal like one. This means, as it is healing, the tattoo may itch, and because of this, many individuals feel the urge to scratch. Doing so, however, can damage the tattoo, such as by fading it, because individuals are scratching at the color. Furthermore, scratching can leave a scar on the tattoo, diminishing the vibrancy of it and even distorting the image or wording. Individuals should avoid indirect scratching as well, meaning when they are showering or applying ointment to the tattoo, they must not press or rub too hard. It can be very tempting to rub hard and scratch the itch, but this can cause damage to the tattoo because it can remove the top layer or the skin or scab off the tattoo. Another reason to avoid scratching is the danger of introducing bacteria to the wound. This can lead to infection, which will damage the tattoo and can even lead to other health problems.
Continue reading to get familiar with another piece of advice for caring for a new tattoo.
Avoid Wearing Tight Clothing

After getting a tattoo, individuals should avoid wearing tight clothing over the area of the tattoo and choose looser garments instead. This lets the tattoo breath and promotes proper healing, as the tattoo needs airflow to allow the skin to heal the tattoo site. Additionally, if individuals wear tight clothing, it can rub against the tattoo and irritate the skin, resulting in a distorted tattoo. As with many other things, this will make it take longer for the tattoo to heal. If individuals have to wear something tight, it is advisable to wrap the tattoo area in clear plastic wrap. This provides an extra layer of protection, so the clothing cannot touch the area. Individuals want a smooth healing process, so there are steps and maybe even sacrifices they must make to ensure the tattoo looks as good as it should. So, for the first few weeks after getting a tattoo, individuals should stay away from tight-fitting clothes and opt for something looser.