Guide To Laser Hair Removal Benefits And Side Effects
Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure involving the use of concentrated beams of light to destroy hair follicles. Laser treatments can be performed by dermatologists and licensed technicians, and lasers can be used on all areas of the body, including the face. Patients may choose to have laser hair removal on the chin, upper lip, underarms, or bikini area. Depending on the area being treated, three to eight sessions could be needed to achieve long-term results. Patients are given protective eyewear to use during laser procedures, and most patients report the treatment causes little to no discomfort. Numbing creams can be used before a treatment session to reduce discomfort if needed. Before choosing laser hair removal, individuals concerned about unwanted hair may want to speak with a dermatologist about all of their treatment options. Patients should always check that the individual performing the laser procedure is appropriately certified.
Some of the major potential benefits and side effects of laser hair removal are discussed below.
Prevents Ingrown Hairs

Laser hair removal is a non-invasive treatment that prevents ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs occur when hair, often when it's been shaved, tweezed, or waxed, grows into the skin instead of in the proper direction. Ingrown hairs can cause pain, redness, swelling, and itching, and some patients may develop pustules, rashes, changes in skin color, and itching. These symptoms could linger for weeks or months, and there is a risk of infection at the site. Home treatment is recommended for most ingrown hairs. As the area heals, patients should avoid scratching or squeezing the ingrown hair, and it can be helpful to use a warm compress over the affected area. Gentle exfoliation with brushes or sponges often promotes faster healing, and patients could consider applying an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream to reduce swelling and inflammation. If an infection is present, patients should consult a doctor to see whether antibiotics are necessary. Penicillin and cephalosporin are typically prescribed if ingrown hairs have become infected.
Learn more about the benefits associated with laser hair removal now.
Lasting Results

While other hair removal methods such as shaving or tweezing may have to be performed several times a week, laser hair removal can provide near-permanent hair removal and lasting results after an average of three to eight sessions. After these sessions, patients can expect to see a twenty to ninety percent reduction in hair growth in the treated area. It might be necessary to attend follow-up sessions every six to twelve months to manage any potential regrowth, though laser hair removal is much less time-consuming compared to other hair removal methods.
An individual's skin type, hair type, and rate of hair growth play a role in determining how long the results of laser hair removal could last. Patients who have fair skin and dark hair could have longer-lasting results than individuals with other skin and hair types. This is because lasers can target dark hairs more effectively than light hairs, and the contrast between dark hair and fair skin allows the laser to be more precise. Patients with darker skin tones or lighter hair can often be successfully treated with diode and Nd:Yag lasers. Individuals with coarse hair often need more laser treatments than those with fine hair, and patients who find they have to shave or tweeze daily will normally need more laser sessions than those who have a slower rate of hair growth.
Uncover more details on the benefits linked to laser hair removal now.
Precision Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is much more precise than other hair removal methods. While at-home lasers and other hair removal methods are unable to discriminate between different hair colors and textures, lasers are selective and can be specifically targeted to treat a particular type of hair. For example, laser technicians can employ specialty lasers that remove coarse or dark hair, and additional laser types and combinations are used to remove fine or light hair. Laser hair removal provides precision hair removal on all skin tones, something not normally possible with at-home devices. Lasers can be used to treat very small areas of unwanted hair, including hair on the upper lip, toes, eyebrows, chin, and underarms. The surrounding skin is undamaged during the process.
Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of laser hair removal now.
Relatively Painless

In general, laser hair removal is relatively painless for most individuals. A slight pricking sensation may occur when the laser is activated, and some patients describe the feeling as being similar to an elastic band snapping against the skin. Treatment with a laser is considered by many to be much less painful than waxing. The level of pain patients experience during a laser session will depend on their pain tolerance and the area of the body being treated. Some types of lasers have a cool tip designed to minimize pain, and patients can choose to take an over-the-counter pain reliever before their session. In addition, numbing creams may be applied to the treatment site. These creams are normally prescribed at the laser hair removal center. It is important to ask the provider when and how the cream should be applied; this may vary depending on the type of cream. Patients who choose to use a numbing cream will generally need to apply it at home before attending their treatment session, and pain relief often begins within thirty minutes of application. Before using a numbing cream, the patient should let the prescriber know of any allergies. In addition to numbing creams prior to treatment, most laser centers apply a cream to the skin after each session to soothe the area. Patients should let their provider know if they experience significant pain during treatment. It may be possible to adjust the settings on the laser to reduce pain or take a short break during the session.
Get familiar with some potential side effects of laser hair removal next.
Red Or Swollen Skin

After finishing a laser hair removal session, patients might notice red or swollen skin in the area that was treated, and minor irritation may be present. These side effects are very common, and they typically last for only a few hours after the procedure. To minimize the potential for post-treatment redness, swelling, and irritation, the provider may apply an anesthetic cream to the area before starting the laser session. Applying an ice pack to the treated site can help reduce these symptoms, and it is safe to use ice packs for twenty to thirty minutes at a time. Patients who have had laser hair removal should not go swimming or use salt water baths for at least seven days after the procedure, as these could increase redness and irritation. If redness or swelling gets worse, patients should let their dermatologist or laser provider know immediately. It could be necessary to make changes to the patient's laser treatment schedule while side effects are managed.
Uncover information on another side effect of laser hair removal now.
Itchy Skin

Although it is relatively uncommon, some patients who have laser treatment could experience itchy skin afterward. Individuals with dry skin are generally at a higher risk of itching after lasers are used, so the site that will be treated needs to be properly moisturized in the days leading up to the laser session. Patients may also want to moisturize the area after returning home from a treatment, and they will need to monitor the site for the development of red, itchy bumps. To treat itching, hydrocortisone cream can be applied, and it may also be useful to take an antihistamine. Since itchy skin could indicate an infection or a reaction to a skincare product, patients should remain vigilant for signs such as warmth or pus, and they should let their doctor know if the itching becomes severe or does not resolve after a few days. Some patients may need to use prescription-strength topical steroids to relieve itching.
Pigmentation Changes

Pigmentation changes are generally considered a temporary, minor side effect of laser hair removal. After a treatment session, patients could notice the treated site is slightly lighter or darker than is otherwise normal for them. For example, individuals with lighter skin might observe a darkening of the area, and those who have darker skin may develop lightened patches at the site. To prevent any skin pigmentation changes from getting worse, doctors advise patients to avoid sun exposure on the treated site for at least six weeks, and they should not use retinol or other skincare products that could increase sensitivity to the sun. If pigmentation changes persist beyond a few days, patients may wish to consult their treatment provider.
Read more about the potential side effects and other downsides of laser hair removal now.
Upfront Expense Of Sessions

The cost of laser hair removal varies based on the city where it is performed and on the experience of the laser technician. Hair thickness and the amount of hair to be treated will also affect the price. Patients with thicker hair who want large amounts of hair removed could find the upfront expense of sessions is significant. The average cost of laser hair removal is currently around 430 dollars, and some estimates suggest the price could climb to roughly 875 dollars in certain areas of the country. Laser hair removal may be available for three hundred dollars in smaller cities and towns. While the upfront expense may seem much more expensive than other hair removal methods, laser hair removal is the only method that can permanently remove hair, so patients may save money in the long-term if they choose this option. Before agreeing to laser treatment, the patient should ask for an estimate of the cost and ensure they fully understand all payment options and plans. It is also worthwhile to check prices and services at several different laser hair removal centers before making a decision.
Continue reading to learn more about the potential side effects and downsides of laser hair removal now.
Long Process For Results

Laser hair removal typically requires between four to eight sessions to complete. Hair growth occurs in cycles that last four to six weeks, and laser treatment is only effective on actively growing hair. For this reason, patients typically need to wait four to six weeks between each laser hair removal session. A reduction in hair growth is often seen within three to six weeks of starting treatment. After completing four to eight sessions, patients may need to return for touch-up treatments occasionally if they notice hair regrowth. It may take eight months to complete eight sessions of laser hair removal therapy, and while it can be a long process for results, many patients are very satisfied once they are finished. Patients interested in laser hair removal should attend a consultation with a provider to find out about the number of sessions that may be necessary to treat their particular hair type and area of concern. In addition, they might want to ask about steps they can take in between sessions to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the laser hair removal process.
Discover additional side effects of laser hair removal now.
Can Cause Burns

Burns due to laser hair removal are usually associated with improper use of the laser, and could develop if the laser settings are too high. Burns occur when the energy from the laser is absorbed by the skin instead of the hair follicle. Patients with darker skin tones are at an increased risk for this side effect because darker skin absorbs the laser energy more easily. The skin may become swollen and discolored, and pain may be present. If burns occur after a laser session, the patient should always show these to the provider, and treatment for the burns may be necessary. To minimize the risk of burns, patients should research prospective laser hair removal providers very carefully. They should check their credentials, certifications, and experience level and ensure that the laser center uses the most up-to-date lasers. If a price estimate is much cheaper than those given by other centers in the same area, this could be an indication of an unqualified or inexperienced provider, and the patient is encouraged to seek treatment elsewhere.