The Health Benefits Of Being An Early Bird
As the old saying goes, the early bird gets the worm, and this well-worn expression couldn't be any closer to the truth. Statistically, early risers are the ones who get ahead in life and embodies the discipline and tenacity to help them stay there. This rare breeds only accounts for about ten percent of the population, yet their impact in life is one that is not to be underestimated. Aside from being able to rise at the crack of dawn without an alarm clock and tackle the many demands of the day, the biological makeup of the early bird is bred with qualities that allow them to maneuver through life gracefully while remaining productive and alert. Here are a few of the many stellar benefits of being an early bird.
Better Grades And Work Performance

The early birds are the over-achievers of the bunch. They are often accredited for achieving better grades and work performance. For one, those who thrive in the morning time have great time management and analytical skills. These busybodies often use their extra time in the mornings to carefully plan out the day and religiously show up to all of their engagements even before the scheduled time. Morning dwellers are not only diligent workers, but they also take pride in being studious. A group of researchers attending the University of Texas conducted a study in 2008, which found that amongst the students being accessed, the early birds earned a higher letter grade than those who function better during the later hours of the day.
Keep reading to reveal more benefits of being an early riser.
A Healthier Diet

Statistics show early birds lean toward a healthier diet style and a more balanced eating schedule in comparison to their late rising counterparts. As to be expected, the early bird starts eating a lot earlier on in the day and usually enjoys the final meal before nightfall while avoiding snacks for the remainder of the day. This healthy and stable eating schedule allows for the digestive process to take place earlier in the night. Moreover, the early riser tends to consume fewer empty calories and sugar-filled snacks and is unlikely to adhere to unhealthy eating patterns or addictions. Consequently, they have fewer cases of heart disease and food-related illnesses.
Continue to understand more of the various health benefits of being an early bird.
More Quiet Time And Self-Reflection

Religiously waking up at sunrise makes for more quiet time and self-reflection. During the early hours of the morning, fewer distractions and obligations demand our attention, so individuals awake during this period usually start their day off with a clear mind. Early risers usually spend the beginning moments of the day enjoying the stillness of the morning by meditating, journaling, or doing anything to create mental clarity. Because early risers take the time to collect their thoughts before projecting themselves into the many duties of the day, they have been known to carry positive, upbeat attitudes.
Get to know the next health benefit of being an early bird by reading more now.
More Physically Active

Early birds are more physical and active beings by nature. The feel of the morning seems to bring about a certain vibrant energy that encourages those who experience it to become more mobile as well. They tend to be more focused on fitness and are likely to adopt strict workout regimens. A Finland-based study conducted in 2007 further highlights this statistic by examining the physical activity of one thousand locals. The findings recognized of individuals who regularly engaged in exercise, fifty percent of them were early birds. The rest of the group were unevenly split between night owls and those who fell somewhere in the middle.
Learn more about how being an early bird is beneficial to health by reading more now.
Better Mental Health

It comes as no surprise that early birds often have better mental health than those who roll out of bed a bit later. A group of researchers attending the University of Toronto even claims early risers are statistically happier than the rest of the population, as evidence from their studies indicates. As we all know, sleep deprivation, a common trait of night owls and those who operate on imbalanced sleeping schedules, is detrimental to mental health and largely takes a toll on our moods throughout the day. When the body goes without the proper amount of rest, a person is more likely to become agitated, anxious, and maybe even suffer from chronic depression. Fortunately, because the early bird usually cannot keep their eyes open for long after nightfall, maintaining a sustainable sleep schedule is no issue for them.