Medical Specialists Most Likely To Vote For Trump
Although doctors can be split fairly evenly between the Republican and Democratic parties, recent research conducted at Yale and exhibited in The New York Times shows that a majority of specialties within the medical field tend to lean Republican. This research, according to reports, made use of two sets of data. The first set of data was a list of every doctor in the United States, and the second looked at the registered voters in twenty-nine states and what party they were affiliated with.
With this in mind, let’s look at which medical specialties are most likely to align themselves with President Donald Trump.
Trump Wins With Surgeons

When it comes to party breakdown, the specialty with the highest percentage of Republicans is surgery. The reports indicate about sixty-seven percent of surgeons are registered Republicans, and will, therefore, be supporting Trump in the next election. Why might this be the case? Some of the stereotypes regarding surgeons, which many will claim also play into the Republican party, include being wealthier than average and wanting to keep that wealth to themselves, as well as having a God-complex both in and out of the operating room.
With the majority of surgeons being registered Republicans, famous television doctors Dr. Mehmet Oz, a cardiothoracic surgeon with a polarizing reputation and strong personality, and Dr. Andrew Ordon, a plastic surgeon to the stars and co-host of The Doctors, are likely to be Trump supporters. Fictional surgeons from the popular show Grey’s Anatomy who would likely vote for Trump include Dr. Derek Shepherd, a neurosurgeon with an inflated ego and giant God-complex, and Dr. Preston Burke, a cardiothoracic surgeon. Many of these gentlemen are likely wearing red when election time rolls around.
Trump Wins With Anesthesiologists

Anesthesiologists are perhaps most well known for administering medication during surgery to help the patient remain sedated and asleep, but they can also administer an epidural for a woman in labor, as well as other forms of pain management for patients. What might come as a shock to many, however, is according to the study, sixty-five percent of doctors who specialize in anesthesiology are registered Republicans. The prevailing stereotype many hold about anesthesiologists is they sit on their butts playing sudoku during surgery and then roll around in the money they make like Scrooge McDuck so it doesn’t really come as a surprise that they are more likely to support Trump. Evidence indicates the tax cuts put into place by the Trump Administration have largely benefitted the wealthiest Americans. With the amount of money anesthesiologists make because of the important job they hold, it's no wonder they want to hold onto it.
One notable anesthesiologist is Michael Roizen, who in addition to his professional work, has also appeared on various television shows and has even co-authored newspaper columns along with Dr. Oz. Paul Chu, a recurring character on The Resident, is also an anesthesiologist. These two men are both likely to vote for President Donald Trump based on the Yale study.
Trump Wins With Urologists

Urology is the branch of medicine that focuses on conditions affecting the urinary tract systems of men and women as well as male reproductive organs. Urology often includes a surgical component, which is an incredibly likely reason why it is third on this list, with sixty-two percent of those in this discipline being registered Republicans, and therefore likely to vote for President Donald Trump. Urology includes treatment for what many would consider elective reasons, and many treatments, including prescriptions, therefore, would carry a higher price tag.
In the popular television show Grey’s Anatomy, the leading urologist in the country is Dr. Catherine Fox (formerly Avery), who many would say has a large ego and is incredibly concerned about not only her public image, but her family’s as well, and often throws money around to get her way. If anyone is going to break out a red MAGA hat come election time, she is close to the top of the list given this research.
Trump Wins With Ear, Nose, Throat Specialists (ENTs)

Ear, nose, and throat specialists (ENTs), also called otolaryngologists, deal with conditions affecting the ears, nose, and throat, both surgical (e.g. facial plastic surgery often include an ENT) as well as nonsurgical, such as with hearing loss, tinnitus, snoring, and sleep apnea. According to the research, approximately sixty-one percent of politically registered ENTs in the United States are Republicans. Due to the area of the body this specialty deals with, they are quite attentive to detail, and many would say quite concerned about appearances, lending themselves to be more likely to vote Republicans, including Donald Trump, than others. Need evidence? Dr. Mark Sloan from the show Grey’s Anatomy is not only an ENT, but also a renowned plastic surgeon with quite the pretty boy and pompous personality. His chances of voting for someone like President Donald Trump? At least sixty-one percent, if not more because he is also a surgeon.
Dr. Jeffrey Gallups, formerly a full-time ENT, runs the Ear, Nose, and Throat Institute, a chain of clinics based in Georgia, which last year generated twenty-six million dollars in top-line revenue by seeing over 100,000 patients, is just the kind of person we are talking about. Do you think there is any question that, given the Yale research, Dr. Gallups and most of his staff (61%) voted for Donald Trump in the last election, and will do so again in 2020?
Trump Wins With Radiologists

Radiology, which is also referred to as diagnostic imaging, is the branch of medicine that deals with tests that take images of different parts of the patient’s body, including CT scans and MRIs. Radiologists, the ones who administer these tests, often play a significant role in interpreting their results, though they also provide these images to the doctor who requested them. Radiologists, like anesthesiologists, tend to make quite a bit of money. They also do not deal with patients all too often, which plays into the stereotype that they do not like people. These are just a couple of the reasons why about fifty-nine percent of those in radiology are registered Republicans. Dr. Amber Volakis was a radiologist on the show House, M.D., and with her characterization and the reported statistics on radiology as a specialty, there’s a good chance she supports the man who will build the wall.
Trump Wins With Ophthalmologists

Ophthalmology is the medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions, including those that require surgery. Due to the intricate and sensitive nature of the eye and thus, treating conditions that affect the eyes, ophthalmologists must pay very close attention to detail. Ophthalmologists are also the ones who will perform eye surgery, including some elective surgeries that often carry a high price tag. Vision, particularly when it comes to glasses, is an undercovered part of health insurance, which also makes it easier for ophthalmologists to charge high prices. Ophthalmology is also one of the ROAD specialties (radiology, anesthesiology, and dermatology are the others), which are the ones considered ‘easier’ in terms of lifestyle than others. Incidentally, these specialties all appear on the list of ones most likely to vote for Trump, with ophthalmology coming in at fifty-seven percent registered Republican voters.
What does this mean? Well, beloved Dr. Richard Burke, an ophthalmologist from the infamous show Friends, would likely be a Donald Trump supporter. Additionally, Dr. David Chang, who runs Chang Cataract in Los Altos, California, has been on The Ophthalmologist Power 100 list three times, in 2014, 2016, and 2018. The median income in Los Altos is $157,000, which is three times the national average, $53,000. This, along with the fact Dr. Chang worked with Rand Paul in 2016, suggests he is likely a Republican.
Trump Wins With Physical Therapy/Rehabilitation

According to reports, physical therapists in the United States have a median salary of just over $85,000 a year. The same research shows they often make over $100,00 a year, and even those who are the lowest paid don’t typically make less than $70,000. Medical specialties with high salaries like this one tend to contain a higher than average percentage of registered Republicans, fifty-four percent to be exact. Dr. Karena Wu, a celebrity physical therapist who owns popular clinics in expensive cities like New York City and Mumbai, who you may remember from multiple television appearances, is likely going to vote Red come election time.
Trump Wins With Dermatologists

Dermatology, a branch of medicine that deals with the skin, can include surgical components as well as non-surgical ones. Countless individuals visit dermatologists for cosmetic procedures, including botox injections to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles. Botox injections are also not covered by medical insurance, and they also carry a significant price tag per procedure. Not only does a procedure like this show dermatologists can make quite a bit of money, but it also indicates they are also ones quite concerned about appearances. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that according to the study, fifty-three percent of dermatologists in the United States are registered Republicans, and thus likely to vote for President Donald Trump.
Dr. Harold Lancer, dermatologist to stars like Kim Kardashian and Victoria Beckham, and Dr. Dennis Gross, whose client list includes Selena Gomez, are quite possibly MAGA hat-wearers. Hey, hats protect them from the sun, after all!
Trump Wins With Family Doctors

Family medicine is, as its name suggests, the branch of medicine that deals with providing medical care to individuals of all ages, often with one family under the same doctor. This is the specialty that includes family doctors, who are often a patient’s primary doctor and the ones responsible for referring them to specialists in other disciplines when needed. They are the gatekeepers to many aspects of medicine. They want to have control. No wonder fifty-two percent of those in family medicine came up as registered Republicans in the compiled data.
One of these controlling gatekeepers who would be likely to vote Republican is Dr. Rachael Ross, who was one of the doctors on the discussion panel of the infamous talk show The Doctors from 2013 to 2017. Dr. Ross is worth a cool two million dollars and likely wants President Trump to help her hold on to as much as she can.
Trump Wins With Emergency Medicine

When it comes to daring parts of the medical profession as a whole, many would argue that, along with surgeons, those involved in emergency medicine, specifically emergency room doctors, are one of the ‘cowboy’ doctors in the hospital. One of the prevalent stereotypes surrounding emergency room doctors is that they enjoy dangerous activities and adrenaline. With the chaos that often occurs in the emergency room, this shouldn’t be a surprise. Many also say they are control freaks, can be pompous, and often love to improvise. Shocking, right? Not really, considering the research compiled shows fifty-one percent of those in emergency medicine are registered Republicans.
This means emergency room physician Dr. Travis Stork, who is also a co-host on The Doctors, may very well check off Donald Trump when he feeds the ballot box in 2020. This profession only leans slightly to the right but with twelve million dollars to his name, Dr. Stork is going to want to stay with those who will let him keep as much of this as possible.