How Mugwort Benefits Health
While mugwort is recognized as a universal healer, it is more highly regarded in European countries, and others such as Korea, China, and Japan - it is not as common in the western world. This popular root-based plant is highly linked to spiritual healing and is a powerhouse due to its ability to reverse and cure various illnesses. Mugwort has been the go-to healing herb for mild to severe pain, stress and depression, menstrual cramps, and even cancer, among many other conditions. The plant part of mugwort is, as many expect, above ground, but the root is what is primarily used for healing and medicinal purposes. Get to know some of the major health benefits of mugwort now.
Aids Common Stomach Issues

Mugwort is a potent herb that aids in common stomach issues and will completely transform a patient's digestive system for the better. Because of its immense healing power, it is a common ingredient in many conventional medications designed to restore intestinal health. Whether an individual is dealing with constipation or diarrhea, trying to rid their intestines of worms and parasites, or is faced with colic or gas, mugwort can be of service. It also increases bile secretion from the liver allowing for the effective release of the toxins that dwell within the body. Additionally, mugwort is a natural laxative that is powerful enough to strengthen the digestive system yet still gentle enough to avoid discomfort during the voiding process.
Learn more about the health benefits of mugwort now.
Promotes Healthy Circulation

Mugwort works against stagnation within the body as it promotes healthy circulation. Because of its ability to keep air passages open allowing blood and oxygen to flow more freely throughout the body, consuming mugwort has been known to show drastic improvements within cell growth, cardiovascular health, the decrease in blood clots, and leaving the body in an overall healthier state. Promoting healthy circulation of blood and oxygen, therefore, is clearly a trigger to many other health benefits, including managing blood pressure and avoiding hypertension, as well as lowering the risk of heart attacks and other heart conditions.
Continue reading to discover more about how mugwort can benefit an individual's health now.
Eases Epilepsy And Convulsions

Many individuals are moving away from traditional antiseizure medications as many of them don't prove to be effective oftentimes and are usually accompanied by harsh side effects. As an alternative, individuals into herbal healing will often opt for mugwort instead. Mugwort is supposed to ease epilepsy and convulsions due to its sedative effects and antispasmodic properties. It is considered safe enough to control seizures within children if it is administered by way of tea or in a tincture formula. Not only will mugwort drastically decrease the frequency of the convulsions, but it also minimizes the duration of the attacks as well as the severity.
Get the details on the next health benefit of mugwort now.
Relieve Itchiness From Burn Scars

In many countries, this herb is a healing mechanism for poison ivy and itchy skin in general. Mugwort is also known to relieve itchiness from burn scars. The potency of this dynamic herb has been used to soothe itchy skin within burn patients who had suffered severe scarring. Simply preparing a tincture or boiling the herb in water and applying it to the skin as often as needed has been shown to eliminate the itching and discomfort, therefore, shortening the healing process. There are even lotions available on the market dedicated to itch relief that have mugwort as the primary active ingredient.
Uncover more health benefits of mugwort now.
Alleviates Fatigue And Insomnia

Mugwort has a way of restoring the body back to its natural functioning. It works in favor of sleep regulation so it alleviates fatigue and insomnia. As it is a natural energy booster, it helps one to stay alert during waking hours yet give the opposite effect during the night. Because mugwort actively balances hormones within the body, once this herb is taken on a habitual basis, sleep and wake cycles adjust accordingly. Using it as an oil, tea, tincture, or bath soak will alleviate the stressors and anxiety usually contributing to chronic fatigue and ultimately causing insomnia and other sleep disturbances.