Guide To Treating Broken Blood Vessels On The Face

Broken blood vessels on the face are also commonly known as spider veins. Though spider veins can appear anywhere on the body, they're most common on the face and legs. Individuals tend to experience the most worry about them when they appear on their face, since that's the most visible place for them. Spider veins typically don't cause symptoms beyond their red, weblike appearance, but if they cause distress, there are several treatment options. Spider veins have many potential causes, including immense changes in pressure inside the skin or outside air, like when an extreme weather system moves through the area. They can also be caused by blunt impacts, and individuals whose family members have them are more likely to develop them.

Read about treating broken blood vessels on the face effectively now.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy, also known as light therapy, is a non-invasive and non-toxic way of destroying unwanted veins. The treatment is done by using focused light energy through a laser aimed the laser at the spider veins. The goal of the laser is to transmit photons, which will then be absorbed by blood cells found within the veins. As the cells absorb more and more photons, they generate enough heat to destroy the surrounding cells of the blood vessel. From there, the damaged vein shrinks in size and will eventually dissolve. This therapy is considered the top treatment option for broken blood vessels on the face. Though it can be used on other portions of the body, it's rare for laser therapy to be employed on leg veins. The risks from the treatment are minimal with a good dermatologist, but they do exist. Patients might experience swelling, bleeding, discoloration, and pain. More rarely, some might suffer infection, crusting, or permanent scarring.

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A good deal of research has established retinoids can help with the treatment of broken blood vessels on the face. These medications are most commonly used to treat acne, and have been used in acne treatment since 1971. Though retinoids don't work as a cure-all for skin issues, they may help with certain skin problems, spider veins being just one of them. For individuals with psoriasis that contributes to the spider veins, retinoids can help slow the growth of skin cells and prevent further flaky patches on the face. Most individuals treat their psoriasis with retinoid cream by putting a small dab on every sore each night before they go to bed. If the broken blood vessels are caused or worsened by a condition like psoriasis or rosacea, retinoids combined with steroids might be recommended to treat the underlying cause. Patients can talk to their dermatologist about whether retinoid cream will help with their particular skin issues. If not, doctors can recommend alternatives.

Get more information on managing broken blood vessels on the face now.

Cool Compresses

Cool compresses won't necessarily make the broken blood vessels go away, though they can act as a temporary reducer. Heat makes blood vessels expand and enlarge, which leads to redness in the face. By contrast, cold makes blood vessels contract and become tighter. This can reduce the enlargement of facial blood vessels and make burst blood vessels look less red. Patients will probably need to keep periodically applying cold compresses throughout the day if they want the effect to be long-lasting. But if individuals are just trying to minimize the appearance before a quick photo or event, cold compresses are a good bet. They can run a washcloth under cold water, or, if they want to use something even colder, wrap some ice or frozen vegetables in the washcloth and press it to their face. Individuals shouldn't put ice directly onto their skin, as it can cause potential damage. Individuals should hold the compress on their face for a few minutes and see if the redness has shrunk.

Continue reading to learn more about how to treat broken blood vessels on the face now.


Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure that can eliminate both broken blood vessels on the face as well as varicose veins. When an individual undergoes sclerotherapy, a solution is injected directly into their vein. This solution irritates the lining of the burst or bulging blood vessel. From there, the irritation makes the blood vessel collapse into itself and for the lining to stick together. The blood inside clots, and the vessel is no longer used to pump blood through the body. As time goes on, the blood vessel morphs into scar tissue, and this tissue fades out of sight. Sclerotherapy is one of the oldest modern medical procedures still practiced today, with successful cases ranging back to the 1930s. Before undergoing a sclerotherapy procedure, patients will need to consult a vascular medicine specialist or dermatologist to determine if they are a good candidate. Pregnant women are not eligible, and some individuals who have had prior blood clots might not be eligible, though it varies on a case-by-case basis.

Read more about treating broken blood vessels now.

Avoid Using Hot Water On The Face

One of the most important things individuals can do to treat existing broken blood vessels on their face and prevent them in the future is to avoid using hot water on their face. Even if individuals love to take hot, steamy showers, they should reconsider for the sake of their facial health. Hot water and steam cause the skin to heat up, and when skin heats, the blood vessels underneath expand and may burst. If individuals must use heated water, they should make sure it's warm rather than hot when washing their face. The best bet for individuals when washing their face is to use cold water, but some can't stand the shock of it. Taking lukewarm showers is also better for overall skin health than taking hot ones, so individuals should consider turning down their temperature dial next time they bathe.

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