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Serious Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

Aside from skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common form of cancer found in women in North America. Despite this, however, and the fact that it is one of the most researched types of cancer, there are still many individuals who do not know about breast cancer. Identified risk factors include a family history of the condition, obesity, and age. There are certain genes connected to breast cancer risk as well. In the United States, approximately 12 percent of women develop breast cancer at some point during their life.

Prompt breast cancer diagnosis and treatment is essential for patients to get a good prognosis. Hormone therapy, chemotherapy, surgery, and immunotherapy treatment for metastatic breast cancer are all serious options. Besides this, some patients may want to engage in homeopathic treatment for breast cancer, including to alleviate treatment side effects. Breast cancer awareness and breast cancer support are vital for patients, particularly awareness of the symptoms, in order for them to become a breast cancer survivor.

Breast Lumps

The most well-known symptom linked to breast cancer is a breast lump. A lump can occur on the breast or around the underarms. For the most part, the breast lumps will be hard and will not cause much pain, if any. Cancerous lumps on the breast usually have irregular edges. However, it is also possible for a cancerous breast lump to be tender, round, and soft.

Breast lumps may appear around the underarms if breast cancer has spread to the lymph nodes in this area. This spread is what triggers a lump or swelling. All women who feel or see a lump on their breast should have their doctor check it out. Although the majority of breast lumps are benign, it is far better to be on the safe side.

Continue reading to reveal additional warning signs of breast cancer now.


Pain In The Breast

Women can experience pain in their breasts for many reasons, including hormonal changes, breastfeeding, and even mild tenderness because of their menstrual cycles. However, persistent or unusual pain in the breasts can be a serious warning sign of breast cancer. Breast cancer causes pain in the breast due to cancerous cells causing interference with the lymph nodes or lobules, along with lumps in the breast as well as inflammation in the area. Women need to listen to their bodies. It may be tempting to discount pain in the breast as a symptom of PMS, but any amount of concern about it is reason enough for women to get themselves checked out.

Get the details on what changes in nipple shape indicate breast cancer next.


Nipple Shape Changes

Women with breast cancer may find that their nipple begins to point inwards rather than outwards, which is what it is supposed to do. This is typically because of scarring or inflammation of the breast tissue. When breast cancer is the cause of this inversion, the whole nipple is usually pulled in. Additionally, this will often occur in only one breast and not both of them.

The reason the nipple may become inverted in breast cancer is due to the tumor in the breast attacking the ducts located behind the nipple. It is also possible for the tumor to attack other parts of the breast and trigger other changes to the shape of the nipple. Inversion, however, seems to be the most common.

Uncover more information on what changes to the skin around the breast are symptoms of breast cancer next.


Skin Changes

Thickened skin on the breast is typically the result of mastitis, which is a common infection in the breast found in breastfeeding mothers. However, it is also possible for thickened breast skin to indicate breast cancer. Thus, patients need to be watchful for skin that feels like an orange peel on their breasts. Additionally, if women take antibiotics for this thickening skin but see no improvement, they must inquire about inflammatory breast cancer, since the antibiotics do help with mastitis.

Another change in the skin of the breast that is considered a potential symptom of breast cancer is skin puckering. This, it is crucial to note, can be quite subtle. Thus, women need to pay attention to the skin on their breasts. However, it is important to note that this skin puckering often means there is a tumor, which can result in a buildup of fluid in the breast. This can trigger other symptoms, and in the case of skin puckering, this is often swelling, itchiness, and redness.

Discover the common warning signs of a rare form of breast cancer next.


Unexplained Swelling, Redness, And Rash

In most cases, a lump in the breast is what alerts patients to the presence of breast cancer. This is a major reason why a lump is the only symptom women are looking for when they do a self-examination of their breasts. However, this is a mistake. Inflammatory breast cancer may be a rare form of cancer, but it is a harsh one to deal with. Additionally, it rarely presents with a lump.

Instead, affected women will see unexplained redness, swelling, and a rash on their breasts. The appearance of these symptoms often looks like a skin infection. These skin symptoms appear because cancerous cells in the breast compromise the lymph vessels and trigger the inflammation. A key warning sign that the inflammation, redness, and rash around this area is caused by inflammatory breast cancer is if ointments do not improve the symptoms.

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