Results for "Sepsis Symptoms"

What Are The Symptoms Of Sepsis?

Sepsis appears to be the result of the immune system reacting to an infection and an imbalance in the foreign toxins and released chemicals. This condition may be fatal in certain patients, especially if it goes untreated. Patients seem to deal with lower blood pressure. They may see body inflammation and organ failure. Sepsis appears common in seniors, immunocompromised individuals, newborns, and pregnant women.

It seems that medication for sepsis is common. Intravenous fluids for sepsis, however, may be used first. After this, patients appear to receive antibiotics for sepsis. Vasopressors may be the next step. Sepsis surgery can be an option also. Patients with this condition seem to need prompt sepsis treatment. After all, this condition can have severe symptoms and lasting complications.

High Heart Rate

It seems that individuals who have sepsis may experience a high heart rate. This rate may reach ninety beats per minute. As sepsis spreads, it may trigger this increase in the patient's heart rate when blood flow is compromised. Their heart appears to need to work harder to get blood to vital organs. This may include the kidneys and brain. They may fail due to blood clots and blood flow problems.

Their heart also seems to be at risk of failing due to this as well. This may be a particular concern if the high rate lasts for an extended period. Additionally, the high heart rate could also be a sign of the patient's immune system response to their infection. It may be in overdrive, resulting in a faster heart rate.

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Rapid Breathing

Some sepsis patients appear to deal with rapid breathing. This sign may occur based on the severity of their condition. In other words, their breathing may become faster as their condition gets worse. Improper organ function seems to matter in regards to this symptom as well. It appears that as a patient's condition worsens, their body reacts with inflammation. This looks like it is an attempt to fight the infection. However, it can trigger rapid breathing since their body may be working harder.

Unfortunately, when sepsis progresses, it may result in septic shock. Septic shock can trigger another condition that may make it difficult or impossible to breathe. This condition appears to be called acute respiratory distress syndrome. Patients may need the intensive care unit, since it seems that four out of ten patients with septic shock are at a high risk of dying. This help may help them avoid lung collapse due to a lack of oxygen.

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High Fever Or Low Body Temperature

Sepsis patients also appear to have a high fever or low body temperature as a sign of their condition. They seem to be part of the body's attempt to try stopping the infection from spreading further. The body temperature change may also set in due to the rapid breathing or high heart rate, mentioned previously. If the patient's fever becomes too high, or they experience hypothermia, it may trigger septic shock.

Both the low body temperature and high fever appear to compromise a patient's blood flow. This may mean that vital organs cannot get the blood they need to work properly, which appears to trigger organ failure. These two symptoms also seem to cause blood vessel damage, which may result in immunity issues.

Reveal more possible sepsis symptoms now.


Mental Ability Changes

Some individuals with sepsis can deal with certain mental ability changes. This may be due to organ dysfunction. Seniors seem to see confusion and disorientation more often than other patient groups. Elderly patients may deal with these effects over long periods as well. Other changes that appear to occur as signs of sepsis include agitation, anxiety, and apprehensiveness. Patients may also experience memory loss. Personality shifts seem likely as well. These changes may indicate organ failure in individuals with sepsis. However, they appear to be possible during recovery also. This may be because sepsis treatment is intense. Patients can go through depression and other psychological issues, including post-traumatic stress disorder.

Continue reading to uncover more symptoms that may be associated with sepsis now.


Extreme Weakness

Patients with this condition also seem to have extreme weakness. The reason may be connected to organ failure, as mitochondrion failure can also happen. This part of the body appears to be responsible, in part, for a patient's energy. Without it working the way it should, patients may deal with muscle failure. Of course, it seems that extreme weakness is common too. Sepsis may also trigger nerve damage, which seems to result in extreme weakness as well. Patients who recover and experience post-sepsis syndrome may deal with extreme weakness too. This appears to be due to structural defects in their muscles. These defects may cause wasting.

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